Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Official Position of This Blog

Prompted by the story coming out of the University of Southern Maine, as administrator of this blog I will issue the following position statement:

"There are ONLY TWO biological sexes." 

I will also add that "ANY OTHER CLAIM is a manifestation or enabling of mental illness."

I am not transphobic, because I don't fear this nonsense, I just vehemently oppose it. 

Cancel this, motherfuckers.


  1. Just a small aside.

    Playing along with a genuine case of gender dysphoria doesn't enable, it mollifies.

    By insisting you're digging the tick in deeper, not helping at all.

    It's akin to demanding that someone who's lost a leg to just start walking.

    The idea that people with mental illness made a decision to be as they are is flat wrong.

    Likewise, the idea that mental illness is less real than a physical deformity is also incorrect.

    To actually help we've got to get to a place where we treat it for what it is rather than what we'd like it to be.

    And we aren't to the point where we can, for certain, fix the miswiring for everyone. Just like we can't grow a new leg. But we're getting better at it all the time.

    Yes, it would be a lot easier to be compassionate if there weren't so fucking many people who aren't actually mentally ill behaving as if they were. Or, rather, that THEIR mental illness is manifesting in a manner that presents as gender dysphoria but isn't.

    Your way of dealing with these people actually DOES work. It removes the camouflage their ailment is using to disguise itself.

    But how do you tell beforehand?

  2. Old medical truism,

    Treat the patient, not the disease.

    Talk to the patient like a human, neither encourage nor attack their delusion. Leave something human for the time that they may again consider suicide.

    Recognize humanity (And do not leave them alone with the children).

    It is necessary, decent, and harder then you can imagine.

    1. @Mike-SMO: In EMS, the saying goes "treat the patient, not the protocol." Believe me, whether the patient is a tranny whatever or a run of the mill psycho going in for a LEO 72 hour hold and evaluation, they are treated with respect and compassion. Listen to their troubles, but don't play into them.

  3. I drew the line back when the queers were clamouring to get out of the closet. All these increasingly bizarre and perverted genders are - are varying shades of gay. We used to understand this and act accordingly.


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