Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Proof That Guns Are Not The Problem

Gunfire rings out on the streets of every Demon-Crap controlled shithole city almost every night, yet they are with little exception, bastions of strict gun control. Only the connected "elites" are able to get a carry permit in places like NYC or Boston, but of course they are not the ones shooting up the streets. Almost every night on our local newscast, the "BREAKING NEWS" graphic comes up with reports of the latest shithole city shooting. I always say to my wife, "Whaaaaat? A shooting in [whatever shithole the report is from]! Say it ain't so!"

The eastern Kommiecticut area I live in is a collection of small towns with high per capita gun ownership, yet the only gunfire heard in my town is during the day mostly on the weekends from target shooting, a couple of rifle/pistol/trap ranges, and hunters during hunting season. The last shooting in town was caused recently by a moron's negligent discharge into their own leg. I mean what idiot fiddles with a red dot sight on a loaded handgun? Ever hear of The Four Rules of Gun Safety, idiot? Luckily the gun was loaded with FMJ target ammo, not defensive JHP so the wound was not total destruction of his limb. Prior to that was a couple of suicides by firearm, one a lever rifle and the other a shotgun. I know many people that carry all the time, myself included. The chances of a criminal surviving a violent encounter with an armed resident will be slim. There have been a couple of murders of unarmed people in the area over the past couple of years. A man was hacked up by a nut with a samurai sword who then proceeded to kidnap and kill others in NY and PA in 2020, and this past spring a guy was shot dead in his driveway by an acquaintance. This one happened a couple of weeks later and remains under investigation.

As I said, high per capita gun ownership. Most of the gun owners I know have multiple firearms and if they are any kind of shooter, THOUSANDS of rounds of ammo. Then there are the reloaders like myself that along with commercial and reloaded ammo have pounds of powder, thousands of primers, thousands more bullets, and countless brass. The ammo, along with the multiple firearms stored in safes harm no one. The same applies to that firearm and spare mags concealed on my belt standing next to unsuspecting patrons of the local store.


  1. Someone has a meme around somewhere basically saying the same thing. It points out the amount of armament in conservative hands, (estimated) and makes the argument that the Jan 6 panty raid was unarmed despite access to such collective firepower. Calling it an insurrection in that case is clearly nonsense.
    Your local observations are more or less true throughout the country to one degree or another I would assume. I used to hunt Southwest NH for many years and the amount of obvious tactical training/shooting going on in the distance was impressive. I moved a few hundred miles away and it is the same here, ammo shortage or not. The violent element the thrives on exploiting civilized norms in a stable society is gonna run right into a buzz saw when they take their act on the road

  2. I don't think that there is much of an ammo shortage now. I am seeing prices for all the major calibers in bulk advertised at prices that while not dirt cheap, at least at prices that would allow a dedicated shooter to buy enough ammo to keep him or herself supplied for the near term.
    I am seeing 1000 rounds of 9mm ball for 28 cents a round, 5.56 for around 65 or so, I think, in lots of a thousand also. I don't pay much attention to that caliber, since I don't shoot any of it, and I am supplied with what I need for the time being. It makes no sense to me to tie up money in ammo, when I don't need it. I can't spend it, and I can't eat it. I am on a fixed income, even with a bit of savings, I don't want to cut myself short.
    I had to put a new roof on, a new furnace and A/C unit, and a bunch of money into my car, to the tune of around 4 grand, over the past 3 years. So I am being somewhat frugal with my money, for the near future. If I get spooked and afraid of the ammo situation, I will order a few thousand rounds for my guns. I only shoot 9mm, which is why I got rid of my 1911, to consolidate onto one caliber to stockpile. And I keep a pretty close eye on the ammo situation, getting offers each day from several sources, to watch the prices and availability.
    I do have a bolt action in .308, as my "battle rifle." Hope to never need it, but it is here in case.

    1. @pigpen51: My main ammo problem is a certain size bullet from Sierra I use for a particular rifle. Since it is not one of the more popular ones, they are currently not being produced. I have had an order in for a box of 500 for months. I have 70 loaded and my last box of 100 and I'm out. My handgun target ammo brass is all prepped and sitting on the bench waiting for me to load it. I have my dedicated SHTF stock that will outlive me.

  3. It’s blacks.

    If you waved a magic wand, and th guns in black hands went “poof!” And disappeared… America’s gun crime would fall in line with that of any other nation. That does not sit well with democrats for obvious reasons. A new, troublin* one that cropped up is their anti-white agenda.

  4. Glen Filthie,
    Not fair, at all. No more than to say that all whites are good, decent family loving people. I can agree that the majority of gun crime in some of the Democratic controlled cities shitty neighborhoods are committed by blacks, but to say that getting rid of all blacks would solve anything is simply not the way to go about it. I worked in a steel melt shop, for over 35 years and some of my closest friends, and the ones that I would trust my kids lives with, were black men. And some of the worst POS were white men.
    It is not so much skin color as it is economic status and how they were raised. Drug culture also is a big part of things, with alcoholic parents being known to trickle down into drugs for their kids, which I saw first hand.
    I judge people based just like Dr. King spoke of, based on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. And often they both line up, with a black person being a POS, and a white person being a decent human being. But often it is the opposite. They just don't have any relationship to each other, but are on their own.


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