Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Monday, October 10, 2022

To The Dustbin of History

I have had a PayPal account for pretty close to 20 years. When they can change the user agreement willy-nilly because they think they should be the arbiters of free speech and in the process confiscate my hard earned money as some sort of  "penalty," then I am fucking out. Even though they have supposedly back-pedaled on their original statements, they have permanently violated any trust I may have had for them to allow me to do business as I see fit.

As of just a few moments ago, my account is no more. It was easy-peasy with just a couple of clicks. If they send me some kind of "sorry to see you go" email exit survey, I will be sure to let them know EXACTLY why I will no longer do business with them.


  1. Hey Glypto;

    I will be doing the same, I just have to verify that the person that uses the paypal with me has other means of payments....once she does...my 19 year arrangement with paypal will come to an end.

  2. Same here, canceled them tuit sweet! I haven't received a survey yet and generally don't fill them out, but this one I will and unleash the hounds of war.

  3. I killed it off on Saturday. Been over 20 years IIRC. Exactly as you said, they violated any trust I ever had.

  4. Sons a bitches, killing mine as well.


This blog is a harsh dictatorship, and I am the harsh dictator controlling YOUR freedom of speech. Comments are no longer moderated because of the Goolag login requirement, but must be in 100% ENGLISH. They will remain live on posts with the following exceptions: Insults, unintelligible gibberish, SPAM, ads to sell ANYTHING, and comments off topic or that add zero value. I may just leave such comments up anyway, with a reply pointing out the stupidity and making fun of the author. Comments that contain hyperlinks are allowed, but all links will be verified and bogus crap deleted. Don't just leave a comment and split, come back later because I respond to some comments and we can have a conversation.