Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Sunday, November 20, 2022

I Am An Advocate...

... for shooting them in the fucking face when they come to your door to remove your children. From the blog The Wanderer:

"At issue is SB 107, legislation signed into law in late September by Gov. Newsom. Essentially, the measure allows California courts to take what is termed “emergency jurisdiction” of any child who comes to the state for “gender transitions.”
Essentially what this means is that the state can strip parents from any state of their custody rights if their children seek such sex mutilations in California — or even through telemedicine with a California-based doctor."

RTWT here


  1. I can not believe the commitment to mutilating children that these people have.

  2. It will probably happen. Sucks to be them.

  3. You Sir are correct . I will not allow the confiscation of my children by a state.

  4. Decide for yourself.


  5. I can't believe what I read in the link to the story-


    "Openly “gay” State Sen. Scott Weiner, author of the bill, refers to it as a “trans state of refuge bill” so those children can come to California for treatment and not be criminalized in states that deny such surgeries and treatments.
    The bill also blocks any law from another state from being enforced if it results in a child being taken from a parent, if the parent, in that case, is forcing the child to have the gender treatments."

    This will be challenged as unconstitutional, don't you think? How can it not be - oh, it's CA.

    Thanks for The Wanderer Press. Hadn't run across it. B'marked it!

  6. PS-I added the hyperlink to the story in text form in my comment. Sorry, didn't see the "RTWT here" until afterwards.

  7. Back a few centerlines they threw baby’s kicking and screaming into the furnace in Baals belly.


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