Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Not Interested. Not One Bit

Recreational pot is now legal and for sale here in the stupid land of Kommiecticut. You can buy it at a dispensary, grow your own, and past criminal pot possession records have been expunged. It is however, STILL ILLEGAL ACCORDING TO FEDERAL LAW. There are restrictions about where you can use "to protect the children."

Back in my 20's, my friends and I used to enjoy sitting around on a Friday night to drink beer and get high. That ended at the end of July 1989 when I had some weed laced with God knows what. All I remember is crawling around my front porch on my hands and knees because I could not walk, see straight, and feeling like the two halves of my brain were rotating in opposite directions. I have not touched it since.

No one I know or currently associate with is excited about this, or looking to score legally. State government is absolutely wetting themselves with excitement over a new revenue stream. I used to smoke maybe once a week. Those that partake daily are lazy, stupid, and all around pretty worthless. Those I knew with pot medical cards used it for fun and shared it with others. I know, I've refused it.


  1. Here in NY, where it's also legal, anyone who has a pistol permit will lose their 2A rights if you go on record buying it.

    1. Here in Kommiecticut, it is supposed to be the same... a medical pot card or your 2A rights. Now you can buy for recreation, so who would know? But from what I read it's as clear as mud as to how it might be found out or enforced. I did find this:


      It doesn't affect me, but as a Second Amendment absolutist, I think having to choose is bullshit!

  2. I am in Michigan, and years ago I got the card to try weed for constant migraine headaches. It didn't work, but I was desperate and tried it again a couple of years later. Still no luck, whether by smoking, vaping, edibles, nothing. So I gave it 2 chances and no luck.
    My migraines are so bad that they ended up costing me my job of over 35 years, due to absences. I worked a series of part time jobs until I was able to get on SSD, which is very difficult, and I ended up getting a lawyer to help me, after being turned down the first time. It was the best decision for me, and I was able to get on disability after almost 3 years. In that time, I burned through almost all of my retirement savings, trying to keep the bills paid.
    I have a brother who gets migraines as well, although not to the level that I do, but I received at least 5-6 serious concussions playing football, and they no doubt made me much the worse for the wear in my brain. My brother on the other hand, has been a pot smoker since high school, and he is now 70, so he uses the pot as his migraine medicine, and for him, it works.
    The only thing that works reliable for me, is a strong narcotic and something to stop the nausea and vomiting, so that I can sleep. Unfortunately the government, in all of their wisdom, has made it so that it is pretty much impossible to get pain meds at the ER, unless you have lost a limb, and you better be bleeding out, and have the arm with you on ice to prove that you just lost it, and are not just seeking drugs.
    I have a neurologist who, while he is very good, doesn't believe in pain meds to treat migraines, at all. So the one thing that always helped me, is no longer an option. I am using one of the most expensive medications that is new and supposedly a miracle cure. They don't tell you that it only works for around 25% of all patients.
    I never have been the type who would use street drugs for any reason, but I do see why some might seek them to treat unbearable pain. Having pain for 20-25 pain days per month, it does wear you down, and is hard to bear at times.

    1. Working in EMS, I deal with people in pain all the time. We ask them their level of pain based on a scale from 0 to 10, but it is totally subjective. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain (more on that in a minute), whereas my Dad's was very low. When he broke his hip he went from the hospital to a rehab facility for physical therapy. After therapy he'd be back in his room and a nurse would come in and ask about his pain with the 0 to 10 question, and he'd say "13!" I would get so mad at him and say, "Dad, you know who has 13 level pain? The dude that just crashed his motorcycle with multiple broken bones!" I would try to tell him to embrace his pain because it meant he was alive, and the only dead people feel no pain. But the nurse would dope him up, turn him into a drooling zombie, and that was the end of the visit.

      As for me, I wrecked my right shoulder falling on ice in March 2015. I folded my right arm completely behind my back, feeling and hearing the sound of tearing ligaments and cartilage. I am in "discomfort" 7/24/365 and then excruciating pain when the torn cartilage locks my shoulder from moving. I grab my wrist with my left hand and manipulate my arm until it frees up. I once played 3rd base and left field able to make great plays. Now I can't throw a freakin' tennis ball 20 feet. I am still able to do my job as a FF/EMT, but it hurts later if I over do it. Sometimes I sleep on my shoulder wrong and that pain will wake me up. I get relief from Advil PM if I need a little something for it. The 10 oxycodone pills I have on hand (they were prescribed for a kidney stone but I never took them) are for emergency use if I ever need them for a severe injury prior to emergency treatment. Like my tinnitus, the pain is always there like a faithful old friend.

  3. I can count on one hand the number of times I smoked pot. Except for the first time, it never really did anything for me.
    There is nothing good about having pot be legal.
    "Medical pot" is laughable as I don't believe there have been any double blind studies. Of course smoking pot makes most people "feel" good, but so does bourbon for me.

  4. Friends where public use is allowed say it is insane and that's all you can inhale(smell) everywhere. Sucks to be them.

  5. California was getting moist at the thought of how much tax revenue it was going to make off legal pot. Too bad the climate is so good for growing it at home! TOO BAD, NEWSOM!!! Of course, if you do buy it legally here or have a "medical marijuana card," you will AUTOMATICALLY fail a background check to buy a firearm. Sneaky bastards, those loony Lefties...

    I never was much for the stuff. I dabbled in it as a teenager back in the 70's. All it did was make me zone out, stink, and give me a headache. Gimme alcohol any day...

    1. @Peteforester: Your comment has just been approved today 2-7-23. Somehow it got flagged as SPAM (I may have fat-fingered the approval since I tend to do that kind of thing). Sorry about that.

  6. glypto
    I don't think that I ever have said 10 when asked my pain level. Even with the worst kidney stone pain, and that is horrible. I figure that as long as I am conscious, the pain could always get worse. I often have seen people say that their pain is 10 or even 11. Yet they are just sitting there, or laying down, talking with the person they are with.
    Now my wife, when she is in pain, such as a broken bone type, will say or, 5 or 6. She has high pain tolerance.


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