Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

As Seen On TV

Commercials hawking HIV drugs Apretude and Dovato with all kinds of homo imagery.

But those are really unnecessary.

Here's how you easily prevent HIV without expensive drugs and their side effects:

1). Don't put your dick in another man's ass

2). Don't let another man put his dick in your ass

3). Stay away from crack whores and fag hags that will have sex with sodomites

4). Don't do IV drugs. Actually, don't do any drugs. That includes bogus mRNA Chi-Com Flu jabs. They make you make poor choices.

5). Oppose the globohomo agenda completely.

BONUS: These pointers will also work to prevent monkeypox gaypox


  1. And don't forget that Mr. Science (Fauci) was the head of getting a handle on stopping HIV back in the 80's.

  2. A dangerous, communicable, preventable disease.
    Instead of treating it as such, "we" act like it's a badge of honor.
    I've always thought that an AIDS/HIV vaccine would cause more harm than good.

  3. You won't get the market for this drug to listen because that would be admitting "GOD IS RIGHT!!!"

    These ad spots with Sodomites cow-eying each other will probably work better than sticking your finger down your throat if you accidentally ingest poison...

  4. So should they leave the gerbil in? Asking for a friend

  5. Just think about how many billions of dollars, and what portion of that is tax money, spent to develop all the "PrEP" drugs so that the sodomites can "remain undetectable". In reality, being monogamous, even as a gay male, would reduce your odds of getting any STD. Of course, gay male and monogamous are mutually exclusive terms.


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