Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


I must confess, I could not bring myself to watch the SOTU show. Just like I can't repeatedly smash my thumb with a hammer or light myself on fire. I did see President Trump's and Sarah Huckabee Sander's responses, though. I thought they were awesome.


Marjorie Taylor Greene gives the groping sniffer the what for. At least SHE is fuckin' fearless! One of the few in government that will easily be found NOT GUILTY and evade the gallows or the firing squad in the reckoning to restore The Republic.


Here is the video clip. She hollers out "LIAR!" at the 0:25 mark


I hope that coat was real fur to trigger the PETA crowd. 

As an aside, I love it when women wear fur. When I met my wife, she wore a super soft and very sexy rabbit fur jacket in the winter. She did not participate in any winter sports so it kept her plenty warm (as did I [wink-wink-nod-nod]). She was still in high school and bought that jacket with her own money, and looked smokin' hot in it. She would still have it, except one of our dogs got a hold of it and tore it apart thinking it was a chew toy about 20 years ago.

I think she's still hot, though.


  1. Why is it that only the GOP women are front and center with the resistance? Are there no males willing?

    1. I look at it this way... isn't it juicy to have strong confident conservative women absolutely neuter piece of shit lying libturds? I think so. There will be plenty of time post SOTU for the other conservatives to step up and be heard.

    2. Bwahahaha, step up. Massie from Kentucky but he would be the only one.


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