Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Fuck The Windsor's

247 years ago we sent them a letter basically telling them to "piss off!"

I stand by those sentiments today.


  1. Same. Never understood the infatuation with the "royal" family crapola.

    1. What prompted me to write this post was that my wife had on the wall-to-wall coverage on NBC this morning. Some female British announcer they had on was just non-stop words spewing out of her pie hole at high speed. I don't even know how she was able to breathe. It was just all family drama horseshit about who was there, what they were wearing blah, blah BLAH! I couldn't take any more and ate my breakfast out on the front porch.

    2. DITTO!!! We fought a WAR to get free of those people! That anyone in America would fawn over them is a symptom of extreme brainwashing...

  2. Except now our letter doesn't need to go as far as London. Just D.C.

    They can "PISS OFF' too...

    1. No letter needed. As far as I'm concerned, they should consider Jan 6th that message delivered in person. Ignoring it is at their peril.

  3. The difference between Subjects" and "Citizens".........

  4. I laugh when they interview people camped out on the streets for days and ask them why they are there, and the reply is, "because I want to be part of this historic event." Hey dummy, you are no more "a part of the event" than a discarded cigarette butt in the gutter. You're better off sitting at home and watching it on the telly.


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