Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Showing posts with label BKT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BKT. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Restarting The Job Hunt

A little personal work history... from 1981 until 2008, I enjoyed a very lucrative career in telecommunications. From 2008 until I got permanently laid off in 2016 it slowly went down the shitter. I started out on small business systems of many different manufacturers, settling down on Northern Telecom equipment in 1984. Every year I got a raise, especially at the company I worked at starting in 1998 after leaving Nortel. Every year I was there until 2008, I got a 3% cost of living and a 1-2% merit raise. The raise of 2007 put me at $40.59 per hour with full benefits, 401K with company match, and a home-based company vehicle. It put me well over $100K per year.

In 2008 there were no annual raises for anyone. The 401K match was gone. That morphed into a 10% across the board pay cut and staff reductions in early 2009. In the early spring of 2010 things got really shitty. The state of Kommiecticut instituted a program called "workshare." Employers were encouraged to not lay anyone off but reduce weekly work hours by 20%, for which the state would pay unemployment to make up the difference. I would have rather picked up a part time job, but the dickheads I worked for changed my day off every week, and didn't tell me what day I was off until the last fucking minute. At that time technology was changing from legacy stand alone phone systems, to complex network based VoIP systems and servers. I was senior guy in the field.

In early 2011 things started looking up. The weekly furlough and unemployment ended and I was picking up overtime. We were picking up more and more AVAYA systems since they had bought NORTEL out of bankruptcy. In late April the company decided to hire a salesman they could not afford... until they re-instituted the weekly furloughs to pay his salary. I got pissed and fired them as my employer, and told them exactly that. I don't burn bridges, I fuckin' nuke 'em!

The new company I had been considering had just opened an office in Kommiecticut and needed technical staff. They hired me for what I asked for including my four weeks of vacation that I had earned as an experienced telecom engineer. It turned out to be a crappy company to work for too. The constant diminishing benefits and never a penny raise for anyone. The attitude of management to do more with less and then less again. I made it known on a regular basis I was not a happy camper, but my complaints fell upon deaf ears. Their business plan was based on new sales, but no one was selling much, and they left entire geographical areas wide open and untouched. I contend because of that, the Kommiecticut office was closed and I was the last employee let go on August 18, 2016.

The in-between in brief: sold a bunch of stuff to keep the roof over our heads, on unemployment until benefits ran out, a month after that landed a promising job in aviation that turned out to be a dud. Not eligible for unemployment, we burned through savings until I landed a truck driver job. I had a truck driver license since the 1980's when one was needed to drive a volunteer fire department apparatus. I just always kept it up to date. That lasted about a year and a half and I was out, but eligible for unemployment. I collected for a little over a month, and have been at the fire department ever since early 2019.

I love my job, I really do. I wish (if wishes were fishes, we'd never eat meat on Friday) I had made it my career when I was in my 20's, not late 50's. I never could locate a working crystal ball to know the future. Firefighting as a career is really a young man's job. The CPAT entry exam is designed to keep ADA type applicants out. I mean you can't be a firefighter if you're a paraplegic in a wheelchair, and this is how they legally prevent it. It will also just about kill anyone over 35 unless you run marathons. So I have to settle for lower paying, non-union, per diem jobs with no benefits that don't require CPAT. I'm lucky to get as many shifts as I do, most guys like me work at 2 to 4 different small departments. It was paying the bills until the Gropey Dopey economy and inflation have sucked the life out of our monthly income. And we recently refinanced the house saving $300 per month, but that too is GONE! So, I need to do something to make more moola.

I reactivated my Indeed.com account and started searching for anything I can do. I filled out my first app today for a municipal DPW job that starts at $10.44 more per hour than I make now with full benefits. The posting did not say anything about a mandatory jab, but I will find out as soon as I can communicate with someone if they are interested in me. If it requires a jab, I will tell them "thanks but no thanks" and withdraw my application. I am hoping to score something that pays better, is open because schmucks don't want to work, and doesn't require a jab.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Want a good written explanation about personal Liberty as applied to the "Not-A-Vaxx?" I came across a piece that lays out why you may think the way you do when it comes to government telling you what to do. Especially when it comes to things like the mandatory jab. The bullet points are:


  1.  My body is mine.  What goes into it, or not into it, is my business and mine alone.
  2. What I have or have not put in it is also no one’s business.
  3. What ever I claim for myself, I must rationally and morally accept when anyone makes the same claim.
  4. I should stand in solidarity with anyone in jeopardy for claiming these liberties in some way to the best of my abilities.

Therefore, Declarations Concerning Covid Related Policies

  1.  I will not tell any governing personnel or business what I have or have not put in my body.  Even if I’ve been ‘vaccinated’, I stand in solidarity with all those who have not, will not or cannot provide documentation or affirmation about that status for any reason.  That is a liberty I will not give away and I will stand beside all those who are victims of such coercive aggression.
  2. I will not submit to any testing until I believe it is medically prudent for myself.  I will not give the results to anyone that I don’t choose to based on my own ethics and choices while considering others I’ve been in contact with.
  3. I will not apply for any medical exemption for anything.  I don’t accept that I need to ask permission in these matters from anyone and I stand in solidarity with those who cannot get such an indulgence from those in power.  They shouldn’t need one either.
  4. I will not apply for or claim any religious exemption.  My status in that regard is my business alone.  Whether my claim for my liberty is religious to me or not is irrelevant.  I will not justify my liberty by my or anyone’s religion.  I just claim it.  It is self-evident and unalienable.
  5. I will not falsify documentation or affirmation of my medical status to evade mandates.  I stand with all those who cannot or would not comply whether any or all of us could evade such mandates. I will not leave behind those who cannot or would not evade them by evading them myself.


I'll take this even farther as applied to organ donation after hearing Walter E. Williams talk about it while guest hosting The Rush Limbaugh Show. I believe my body is the ultimate item of private personal property. A test of personal property is whether you can sell it or any part of it. Everyone involved in an organ donation makes money on the transplant... except the donor or their estate. Current law prohibits the selling of human organs. But... the recipient receives a new functioning organ. The entire medical and support staff that removes the organ and the entire medical and support staff that implants the organ are paid their salaries. The courier that hands the organ in the cooler to the hospital staff, the pilot and air courier staff all get paid. The guy that fuels the courier vehicle or ambulance and the airplane gets paid. The hospital cafeteria workers get paid for feeding the hospital staff. See what I'm saying... lots of money changes hands excluding the donor or their estate. Therefore, until the laws are changed, I am NOT a designated organ donor. My surviving wife could certainly override my wishes if she's right there when I cash in while lying in a hospital bed. But without the "DONOR" designation on my drivers license, the chances of my organs being preserved for donation are slim to none. I am a motorcyclist and a firefighter after all. If recipients are prevented from paying me for a spare organ, blood, plasma, or bone marrow while alive, or all of it when I'm dead, then I'll just take them with me into the cremation furnace, thanks.

RTWT @ disturbeddeputy

Why? BFYTW  H/T to fellow blogger Phil at Bustednuckles

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Who's Hitler Now... Hmmmm?

Kommiecticut Governor "Jolly" Ned Lamont, that's who.

The self-appointed king of Kommiecticut "Jolly" Ned Lamont says this shit with impunity



And both parties of the establishment are apoplectic, because Republican State Rep. Anne Dauphinais has had enough of dictatorial rule in Kommiecticut, and doubled-down on her statements. The pearl clutching, and wailing and gnashing of teeth by all those that were silent when the Hitler and Nazi terms were casually thrown around for the previous four years is not surprising. “King Lamont aka Hitler dictating what we must inject into our bodies to feed our family!” Dauphinais wrote in a reply late Thursday to a Facebook post. Kommiecticut has lived under single party rule for decades prompting this “Hitler too was a dictator enabled by the rule of the single Nazi party.”You know you hit them in a sensitive spot when they go after you personally instead of trying to refute your statements.

This one woman has MORE BALLS THAN ANYONE in the entire state government... COMBINED! I hope she never apologizes, and wish she were my state rep.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Commies Just Gonna Commie

"There comes a time when you do have to give up what you consider your individual right of making your own decision for the greater good of society" Dr. Anthony Fauci

True. When you are behind the barbed wire of the camps. But history has shown that such a situation is usually temporary, and afterwards those in charge of the camps find themselves dangling from a noose, or lined up against a wall. This is the same line of bullshit given every time the Commies in government need to get that pesky Constitution out of the way.

If anyone was still on the fence as to whether it is time to "refresh the Tree of Liberty" or not, this very public statement should have you making final preperations to throw off the shackles of these oppressive "rulers" posing as a government.

Yeah... that's right, I said it! BFYTW

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

A Review - The 2021 Big 'E'

This year is the 39th time in a row that my wife and I have attended together. Last year, because of C-O-O-O-O-V-I-D! 😱 the normal fair held at the exposition grounds in West Springfield, MA was turned into a drive through food event only. You drove through in your vehicle and bought your fair food to go. The Log Cabin Restaurant in Holyoke did their "Taste of The Big 'E'" at their own facility on the side of Mt. Tom. My wife and I went with one of my biker buds on motorcycles. We had a nice lunch on their outdoor mountainside terrace overlooking the valley. Afterwards, we took the long way home east through MA and then headed south into Kommiecticut by way of Somers. While not the experience we are used to, I contend our record of attendance is intact.

This year the Big 'E' was happening at the exposition fairgrounds as normal. Well... almost. Right before it started, the city of West Springfield decided to institute a "Mask of Oppression" mandate just for the fair anytime you were inside the buildings. How'd that work out for them? Maybe 50% average compliance. Earlier in the day compliance was higher. We delayed going because it was raining pretty hard in the early morning, and it remained cool and cloudy until mid-morning. My wife wore her thin blue medical mask and I wore my 19th century train robber bandana. The way I wear it, it looks like it is covering my air intake/exhaust, but it is pulled up high on my face and there is almost ZERO restriction that way. It takes some extra fiddling for me to get it that way. In between buildings it was pulled down around my neck. As the morning wore on, the sun came out and by the afternoon it got warm, I just stopped putting my mask back up. So did my wife. So did a lot of other people. And NO ONE MADE A STINK! Outside, only the very few idiotic Branch-Covidians wore a face diaper walking around outside. One libtard ass-clown sitting outside with his wife by themselves on a bench nowhere near anyone were covered up, with their official "Biden-Harris" labeled face diapers virtue signalling all those around them how enlightened and extra special they were. I so wanted to take their photo to turn it into a meme, but they would have seen me and I had no intention of engaging with such morons even to lie to them.

In all the state buildings, we noticed lots of empty exhibitor floor space, and some of the permanent setups closed up with a sign saying "See You in 2022!" While outside in the open areas it was the same. Not as crowded with vendors and purveyors. At the main entrance to The Better Living Center, it is usually full of vendor tents, and 2 to 4 fundraisers raffling off cars and/or motorcycles. Nothing. Open pavement in the whole area. Inside The Better Living Center which is almost 3 acres of indoor exhibitor space is usually cram packed with fair-goers and exhibitors. Not this year. Again lots of open floor space and easy to walk around. Even though we always go on a weekday and it started out rainy, I believe attendance was off. I think it is because instead of a full year of planning like normal, the exposition was in doubt up until it was confirmed to occur a few short months ago. I assume many exhibitors and vendors went and made other commitments.

The Big 'E' has a no weapons policy, enforced by bag searches at the gate and metal detectors. Since I was in MA I was not carrying a firearm. But I sure did have a weapon. I possess a Blackie Collins poly resin serrated straight knife (aka The CIA Letter Opener) with an added para cord wrist loop. I carry that whenever I  have to pass through a metal detector. Airports are a different story, as the knife would get picked up on a full body scanner or x-ray. For those times it is packed in my checked luggage. While bringing a knife to a gunfight is never a good idea, the only guns inside the Big 'E' are hopefully on the hips of the numerous cops on the grounds.

This knife holds a pretty good edge and the serrations are nasty. I wish the handle were just a little more robust and the added wrist loop ensures I don't lose it in a fight. It sure would be a good offensive weapon too, say deployed from behind and jammed into an enemy's brain stem. But I digress.

This year's Big 'E' gives me hope that next year, people will be so fed up with all the BKT that the exposition will be like it always has been, and the wife and I will hit the Big Four-Oh anniversary of attendance.

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Safest Place In The State

This past Saturday was the Poker Run held by the CT Citizens Defense League (CCDL). It was more than just a motorcycle event, as cars and trucks participated as well. Most of the participants, myself included, were armed, and openly carried. I had my Smith and Wesson M&P 45 Shield in my DeSantis "Speed Scabbard" at 3 o'clock. While on my bike, I am not concerned if my properly holstered handgun is visible or not since open carry is legal. Since I follow the biker tradition of never removing my leathers, my gun is concealed if I have to stop somewhere. We were welcomed at every stop, and it was the final destination I write about here. There was a huge crowd that only came to the BBQ that was also well armed. It was a classic example of "an armed society is a polite society" as well as the last place there was going to be some act of violence perpetrated by some nut or jihadi. These were definitely my peeps, I mean... GUNS and MOTORCYCLES and good food.

Oh yeah, one other good thing... there was no hint of BKT to be seen any where. Between all the pro-Trump and 2A stuff for sale and lack of face diapers, it was like summer of 2017 all over again.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

What Are The REAL Numbers, Though?

Another BKT milestone reached. Supposedly Chink-Bug deaths have surpassed the 1918 Spanish Flu deaths in the U.S. I suspect both numbers; first because of the technology of 1918 how accurate were those stats? Probably more accurate than the ones we have now because there was no incentive to falsely inflate them. Because of BKT and the continuing panic porn, this milestone is supposed to make us "purebloods" freak out and run to get jabbed.


Yeah, nice try... NO.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

They Need To Be Destroyed

Governments, politicians, bureaucrats, political appointees, healthcare professionals, media, big tech, big pharma... they are all enemies of freedom loving people around the world. They are suppressing the truth about the jab, in efforts to get absolutely everyone injected with their poison concoction. 

 This post from The Burning Platform has a good example of what I mean. If the truth EVER comes out, The WWII Nuremberg trials will pale in comparison to the trials and executions that would take place for the genocide occurring now. After The Holocaust, the cry was "Never Again!" yet here it is happening again, driven by a propaganda machine that is so effective, people are driven by false fears to willingly get their death jab. Hitler himself would be envious of such success.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Approval Numbers Continue To Plummet

(p)Resident* Gropey Joe the Sniffer continues to fuck up everything he touches. His approval ratings tell the story. Obviously, Republicans don't approve of his shenanigans, but it seems like there is a substantial amount of "buyer's remorse" from the living humans that supported him. The dead and house pet voting block could not respond to pollsters for the normal reasons.

Scroll down for a solution...

Keep scrolling...

There it is!

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


It stands for "Bullshit Kabuki Theater" and I have used it in passing here and there. But now I am going to use it more regularly to describe the situation we find ourselves in with regard to the Chink Bug. Mask of Oppression, social distancing, phony baloney "vaccines," tyrannical orders and mandates, and the steady march to armed conflict with those of us that refuse to comply.

H/T to Midwest Chick