Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Safest Place In The State

This past Saturday was the Poker Run held by the CT Citizens Defense League (CCDL). It was more than just a motorcycle event, as cars and trucks participated as well. Most of the participants, myself included, were armed, and openly carried. I had my Smith and Wesson M&P 45 Shield in my DeSantis "Speed Scabbard" at 3 o'clock. While on my bike, I am not concerned if my properly holstered handgun is visible or not since open carry is legal. Since I follow the biker tradition of never removing my leathers, my gun is concealed if I have to stop somewhere. We were welcomed at every stop, and it was the final destination I write about here. There was a huge crowd that only came to the BBQ that was also well armed. It was a classic example of "an armed society is a polite society" as well as the last place there was going to be some act of violence perpetrated by some nut or jihadi. These were definitely my peeps, I mean... GUNS and MOTORCYCLES and good food.

Oh yeah, one other good thing... there was no hint of BKT to be seen any where. Between all the pro-Trump and 2A stuff for sale and lack of face diapers, it was like summer of 2017 all over again.

Another Firearms "Expert" Has a Negligent Discharge

 Hartford PD Deputy Chief under investigation for firearm discharge

Another shining example of the 90% from the "90-7-3 Rule" pertaining to law enforcement and firearms. I can't be too harsh on her though, because I had an N.D. once myself. Once. As in that was my "ONE." Luckily I was by myself, and the round went harmlessly into the ground. But talk about being scared straight, and that was almost 40 years ago. I never take a cleared weapon for granted, and I never pull the trigger unless A) I am about to fire, or B) it is required for disassembly, in which case C) the muzzle is pointed in a safe direction. As a refresher on the 90-7-3 Rule:

  • 90% of LEO have one firearm, their duty weapon, which they begrudgingly qualify with once a year. They do not hunt, target shoot, plink, or compete off duty. In the event of a justified shooting, they will empty their magazine towards the perp and maybe hit them. IMHO, there should be no more than one or two shots fired, and unless the bad guy is wearing body armor, should result in a fatality every time. I am sure Deputy Chief Sonia Watson is one of these.
  • 7% of LEO do own and use firearms outside of their normal duties. They will hunt, target shoot, plink and maybe even compete at a lower level by shooting clays, silhouette, bullseye, or at a turkey shoot. They might load their own ammo.
  • 3% of LEO are truly firearms experts. They most likely grew up with firearms and served in the military. On the job they are instructors for other LEO and may be members of tactical teams. Not only do they participate in all types of recreation with firearms, they probably compete at a high level shooting like 3-Gun, Military, IPSC and IPDA. They are NRA safety instructors, Range Safety Officers, and belong to the local sportsman's club, teaching the civilian population firearms safety. They may even be advanced hand loaders, gunsmiths, and hold an FFL.

I am personally somewhere between the 7% and 3%. I'd like to get NRA certified as an instructor, but it is difficult and expensive to do here in Kommiecticut. To make it worth your while, you have to commit to holding regular classes like a side business, and I am not interested in doing that.

Don' Be Like This Guy!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Huge "Unauthorized" Motorcyle Rally In New Haven

I hope they bring that shithole city TO IT'S FUCKING KNEES!!! And that will happen without causing the destruction like BLM and ANTIFA does, but simply the big crowds on... gasp... MOTORCYCLES!


The organizers have tried for months to get the permits required, but the city just jerked them around. So, the organizers have given a giant middle finger to the city and will hold it anyway. As a gesture of goodwill to the city, the organizers did decide to not hold it on Labor Day weekend like last year.

I will not be attending, but as a 1st Amendment supporter of the freedom to assemble, I will be there in spirit. Saturday, weather depending, I plan on doing a poker run to benefit the CCDL. If the rain doesn't get out of here fast enough, I will be power-washing the back of my house instead.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

What Are The REAL Numbers, Though?

Another BKT milestone reached. Supposedly Chink-Bug deaths have surpassed the 1918 Spanish Flu deaths in the U.S. I suspect both numbers; first because of the technology of 1918 how accurate were those stats? Probably more accurate than the ones we have now because there was no incentive to falsely inflate them. Because of BKT and the continuing panic porn, this milestone is supposed to make us "purebloods" freak out and run to get jabbed.


Yeah, nice try... NO.

Monday, September 20, 2021