Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Go Ahead and Try, I'll Wait

My version of the meme that has been used around the interwebs like a million times.

In the minds of LIBTURD hoplophobes, gun ownership, possession, and use is inherently evil. It is the gun laws and only the gun laws that keep us gun toting evildoers from murderous rampage. Never mind the fact that majority of gun owners are peaceable and good people, oh no... we are no different than the criminals and murderers that disregard the laws against rape, robbery, and murder.

So I ask (rhetorically of course) what gun law(s) if they were to be repealed, would cause INCREASED violent crime? We all know the answer... not a single fucking one. But imagine a peaceful country if an individual could own every available weapon of war unfettered, and use such weapons for personal and property defense or to make sure government acts as a servant of the people.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Addendum To Previous Post

In every news story today about Sandy Hook, they tell us there was 26 victims, or they tell us it was 20 students and 6 educators that died. WRONG! There were 28 victims that day. The first victim was the shooter's mother, Nancy Lanza, who also happened to own the firearms that were STOLEN WHEN HER SON (Adam, the shooter) MURDERED HER. The final victim that day was Adam when he took his own life at the end.

If you are an anti-gun hoplophobe or SJW snowflake, you are not gonna like what follows:

I hold the State of Connecticut wholly responsible for that mass murder in a *GFDZ. Nancy Lanza pleaded for help with her mentally deficient son but was turned away or ignored. Their lack of support services for someone like Adam contributed directly to Nancy trying to help her son as best she could on her own. Unfortunately using firearms and time at the range was not a good idea and didn't work out so well. 

Only counting the 26 "innocent" victims tugs at the ol' heart strings, and attempts to garner emotional support for more intolerable/unconstitutional acts. Those acts, as well as subsequent ones have been mostly ignored with an estimated 85% armed civil disobedience of non-compliance.


*GFDZ - Gun Free Death Zone

Keep Pickin' That Scab

The local news across the state is making a big deal about the ninth anniversary of Sandy Hook, in order to help push for more Second Amendment infringements.

I always call today FIREARMS APPRECIATION DAY and encourage the purchase of a new firearm on this day. In Kommiecticut, the state keeps a copy of every papered transaction (that's why there is an underground cash gun economy). Forcing them to file gun transfer paperwork with today's date is a finger poke in their fucking eye.

I purchased a gently used Ruger GP-161 in .357 Magnum on this date a few years back. A GP-161 is a blued GP-100 with the 6 inch full lug barrel, and is a pretty large revolver. Accurate and shoots great since I polished the trigger. There is nothing I currently desire, nor do I have spare cash for a new firearm, so I will unfortunately be sitting this one out.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Ain't Got Much

Light posting the past week or so. There isn't much to comment on that hasn't been said by me or others already.

Last night right before quitting time, I get a phone call from one of the department members. A deer got struck in front of his house, and the state trooper just put it out of its misery. He didn't want it and wanted to know if I knew anyone that did. I told him to stand by while I made a phone call. The first guy I called didn't answer, but the second guy did. I gave him the address and he said he and his brother were on the way to get it. I called the department member back to relay who was coming to get it and that they were on the way.

My sportsmans club needs venison for the game dinner in April, so that is where it was going to end up. The brothers picking up the carcass are also members of the club. The club has an outdoor area for field dressing and a large walk in cooler for storage. I got to the club first, opening up the house and turning up the heat. I then went out and shoveled snow off the side porch and back deck. For some reason those seem to get forgotten. The guys showed up and we got busy. I am not a hunter, so I had no idea how it was done, but I got a good lesson from a guy that has been doing it for probably 60 years. He made it look easy and because it was a large doe, he was glad to have an extra set of hands. He estimated she was probably 110 pounds. Club officials will be thrilled with the donation. BTW... since I am an EMT and have seen my share of death/blood 'n guts, it did not even phase me. All I could think about was the tasty meal I will be enjoying in April.


Monday, December 6, 2021

Warren Wilhelm CAN SUCK IT!

Comrade Warren Wilhelm (aka NYC Mayor Bill DiBlasio) has released his latest tyrannical diktat that all private companies in that shithole must have all their employees get jabbed. 


A question: if I live in Kommiecticut but work for a large company headquartered in NYC, and my operations office is in Hartford, would I be mandated to get jabbed? Sounds like an overreach of authority to me.