Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Monday, July 25, 2022

Seen In Kommiecticut of All Places

As regular readers are aware, I carry a firearm at all times, and am a fierce opponent of the GFDZ (Gun Free Death Zone). I got a pleasant surprise yesterday, when I visited a local establishment with my father-in-law that had this sign in the front window:

The business is run by a retired cop that is a huge 2nd Amendment supporter. He had just recently put the sign up and was pretty proud of it. He said its main purpose was to keep liberals away, but he carries all the time, and doesn't mind customers that do. Since were alone in the store, I pulled out and showed him my Smith and Wesson M&P 45 Shield that I had concealed in my cargo shorts. He was impressed how well it was concealed and liked the gun. I haven't seen the proprietor in several months, so we talked for quite awhile about all kinds of subjects before finally making our purchases and leaving.

To see such a sign at a business in Kommiecticut that isn't a gun store is awesome. I wish I could be there when some liberal hoplophobe panty wetter shows up to buy his wares, sees the sign, and has a melt down. Next time I stop in to resupply I will have to ask him if there have been any complaints.


  1. Cargo shorts? How?

    1. The gun is carried in a pocket holster. I wear the Firehose Flex shorts from Duluth Trading. They have large velcro flap pockets on the thigh. That plus the slimness of the 45 Shield makes my firearm invisible. I can draw it very fast.

  2. May the freedom of that sign grow like weeds.


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