Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

I Have Made My Decision

In this post from October 9th, I had received my C & R renewal forms and was contemplating not renewing. I asked for reader advice and got lots of comments, mostly in favor of ditching it. There is a mechanism for non-renewal that requires the FFL holder to send in the form and all their records. Since I have never used my C & R, I have no records. Therefore, I will simply let it lapse, making it no longer valid as of January 1st.

Fuck 'em! As I have stated before, there us no alphabet agency I hate more than the BATFE. So the less I have to do with those assholes the better.


  1. Amen. Best decision

  2. I was considering getting my C + R license some years ago, but decided not to, for the same reasons that you have chosen to allow yours to lapse. Plus the record keeping for the BATFE overlords with the ability for them to inspect your gun collection made me hesitate to give them the right to simply waltz in and do a lookabout.
    Like has been said many times before, we all break laws everyday, inadvertently, unknowingly and no doubt the BATFE could find something if they looked hard enough.
    My FFL dealer used to charge 20$, and now 25$, to do the transfer paperwork. It is worth it for me to not have to deal with the BATFE and with my Michigan CCW, they don't even have to run a NICS check. When Michigan got marijuana for recreational use passed, BATFE told them that they could not use our CCW cards any longer, but the courts said no, they can't do that.
    I wonder if the Republican House will do anything about the BATFE and their illegal making of rules and laws?

  3. C&R doesn't have to send in records. I just ditched my license too and
    I sold all my stuff that I didn't lose in the boating accident.
    All I have now is a slingshot with an iffy band.

    1. @Anonymous: According to the form I have (which can be seen on the October 9th post), if you send in the form stating you aren't going to renew, you check the box and agree to send in your records.

  4. I don't wish to argue but if you look just under the ATF records address it says C&R are not required to submit records. Fine print don't ya know
    Taint none of their damn business anyways.

    1. Like anything else those lying fucks do, it is purposely contradictory and confusing. I for one will be no longer under their authority in less than an hour.


  5. With all the money the siphon from us, the ATF can't be assed to make an application form that's C&R specific.

    They ask for your business hours as a C&R, the one kind of FFL that's specifically NOT a business.

    No wonder we're confused.


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