Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Chicken Hospice

I pride myself on being a tough old bastard that does not put up with anyone's bullshit. That said, I do have a caring and compassionate side as demonstrated by my career in EMS and the care of my animals.

This morning I found one of my elderly French Black Maran hens lying on her side in the pen when I went down to the coop this morning. The other birds were stomping all over her in excitement to my approach. I sent the other birds out to get their morning mealworm treat and picked her up. At first I thought she was dead, but she opened her eyes and lifted her head. I carried her into the house to my wife's dog grooming area of the basement. I set her on a towel on her grooming table while I went to get a spare dog crate. After the crate was assembled I placed the hen on the towel inside, put the crate on the table, and raised the table to its maximum level. She is sitting in a tripod position which makes breathing easier with her eyes closed and it is just a matter of time before she expires. At least she has a quiet space to go. I had her since she was a 4 month old pullet, laid hundreds of eggs while productive, and has lived out her long life as a matron of the younger ones.

When I find a chicken dead in the morning, I place their body in an empty feed bag and place it in the trash.


  1. You're a good man, McGee. Taking care of the weak and helpless is what sets us apart from the vicious animals in our own ranks. Well done.

    First time ever I saw To Kill a Mockingbird, a lady said something that really hit me: "There are people in this world that do the distasteful jobs no one else will. Your father is that man." I've gotten those jobs too. Putting down the sick or wounded animal. Burying the beloved pet. Cleaning the blood or other offal so the family won't have to see it. It's rewarding and solitary work. A willingly accepted duty, to shield the weak from unneeded hurt.

  2. Kindness is seldom wasted. Good instincts, Sir.

  3. The Wife maintains between 15 to 25 in her flock at any given time, which means 2-3 deaths a year from age, injury, or for no reason we can see at all. The problem is when you spend enough time with a small group, you start to see the individual behaviors and realize there's more there than just something that lays eggs. So, ours get the full barbarian funeral pyre on a Friday or Saturday evening, rather than being tossed into the trash. Makes no difference to the bird, but it makes her feel better, and it usually funeral pyre for the first 30 minutes that slides into a social fire with drinks for the next hour or two after that.


    2. @Matthew W: My Dad did that as a kid! He grew up on the Willamansett side of the Kommiecticut River, and when one of his chickens died he made a small wooden raft, put the dead chicken on it, and sent it down river on fire. I think he was 10.

    3. Glypto Dropem26 May, 2023 07:23

      You are your father's son !!

  4. Yeah; we have a few "retirees" in our coop as well, and occasionally one will just drop off line. I used to bury them, but having chickens over several years I ended up running out of room to do this. I'd end up digging in what I thought was a good place only to hit bones. They get a feedbag funeral here as well now, though the greyhairs are allowed to live out their "golden days" as opposed to ending up in the stew pot. Most times they just "shut off" without any prior warning. Sometimes though, I need to do what you did; segregate them in the "hospital coop" to keep the other birds from cannibalizing them. ...Chicken World is a ruthless place...

    1. @Peteforester: " ...Chicken World is a ruthless place..."

      That is why I never go down to my coop without a firearm or my cellphone. I know if I fell and got injured they would eat me. People that don't know chickens stare at me in disbelief when I explain this to them.

  5. Replies
    1. @Matthew W: She hung on longer than expected. The day after the post I hand fed her a mealworm treat which she gobbled right up. The only nutritional value was protein but she wouldn't drink any water. The next day she was still there but no longer opened her eyes. The following morning she was finally gone. She got the feed bag funeral.


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