Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Firearm News From Within Enemy Territory

Get ready America... here it comes, whether you live in a Free State or not!

A shooting in the Demon-Crap controlled shithole urban jungle known as Hartford occurred on Wednesday June 9th around 5 PM. 56 year old Sylvia Cordova was in her 1st floor apartment kitchen cooking dinner for her family, when the tribal warlords of the street lit up the neighborhood. Ms. Cordova was struck by a single bullet and died on her kitchen floor. A link to the news story can be found here.

So the fucking moron that happens to be mayor of said shithole, Luke Bronin (D) went to the Demon-Crap canned response of "GUNS ARE BAD AND MUST BE BANNED!!!" U.S. Senator Slimeball (Blumenthal), the expert on nearly everything in the known universe also chimed in with his usual bullshit and bluster. Never mind that hizzoner wanted to re-allocate $5 million dollars in police budget money for phoney-baloney, touchy-feely non-cop policing nonsense, and that the violent crime and murder spree in his city is running rampant (luckily that figure got reduced to $1 million). He is complaining that even though "assault weapons" are severely restricted in Kommiecticut, other states (meaning FREE STATES) are still letting their citizens exercise their God given rights to bear arms, and the manufacturers are FLOODING the markets (clutch those pearls tightly, now). There just aren't enough intolerable/unconstitutional acts on the books yet. What any person with common sense should realize, is the abject FAILURE of the 1994 state AW ban and the post Sandy Hook gun control enhancements to do anything but burden the non-criminal peaceable citizen. Somehow, the firearms expert that is Luke Bronin fails to realize that most handgun rounds will also penetrate the walls of wood frame buildings, and the fact that this was a rifle round was not "more dangerous." As we all know, any firearm used in such a reckless manner ignoring Cooper's Gun Safety Rules (#4 in this case) is the fault of the idiot wielding it, not the firearm itself. So this shooting, while tragic is gonna be the one to get it done? Meanwhile, nightly in Fallujah Chicago, Kabul Baltimore, or Mogadishu NYC, the sons and daughters of someone is maimed or killed nightly, and no one gives a flying fuck.


Then there's this...

CT Parole Officer Accidentally Shoots Himself In The Leg

The link SHOULD read "CT Parole Officer Negligently Shoots Himself In The Leg." D.O.C. like LEO carry a firearm for a living, and should be* the gleaming example to the rest of us of ultimate gun safety. I can speak from experience, having caused a negligent discharge myself in 1984 or 1985, that luckily did not damage anything or injure/kill anyone. When I went to unload my Colt Gov't Model, I stupidly racked the slide BEFORE dropping the mag and placed a fresh round in the chamber. I then pulled the trigger and "SHAZAM!" the gun went BANG! I broke Cooper's Rules #1 and #3 and by dumb luck not #2 and #4. The round went harmlessly into the ground, and I refer to that incident as my "one" as in everybody gets "one." I was involved in another caused by someone else in May of 1989 that caused over $1000 in damage to my 6 month old new car. That one should have killed me or at least turned me into a paraplegic, if not for the hand of God himself miraculously deflecting that bullet. The bullet hole in the back of my drivers seat should have placed it in the lumbar region of my spine. What we think saved me was the lumbar support in the seat, deflecting the bullet down to the floor pan, where it then ricocheted back up and into the drivers door. The bullet made a huge outward pimple in the sheet metal door skin but did not penetrate it. The spent bullet was still inside the door. Luckily the window was up or that would have been shattered as well. Because the circumstances were different, that is another "one." Thank you, God.


* I refer here to the "90-7-3 rule" when it comes to LEO's and firearms. 90% of them have one firearm, their duty firearm, that they only fire during annual qualification or a use of deadly force. They do not own any firearms personally, or participate in shooting activities of any kind. I worked with a former cop who was one of these. 7% of them own their own firearms, and participate in shooting activities or hunt. They most likely have a carry permit and may carry off-duty. They may be into reloading or other ancillary firearms activities. 3% are the firearms experts. They are Range Safety Officers, Instructors for the PD and the general public, and probably engage in advanced areas like gunsmithing or firearms manufacturing. I have a friend that is now retired from the force that is one. He works as an R.S.O. and instructor at the indoor range in a large firearms retailer in the state.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Is It Just Me?

Or does anyone else think the Bezos brother's upcoming space adventure eerily parallels the movie "Elysium?"

Monday, June 7, 2021

Lectured Again, This Time by General Patton

For a long time before joining the Patriot Guard Riders, using a stupid but personal reason, I kept my military service on the down low. Being "just a reservist" that served one enlistment in peace time, and never overseas, I thought was inconsequential and never worth mentioning. Boy did I hear about that... from a combat wounded Viet Nam vet no less. He scolded me good and hard, because according to him being sent to combat is the luck of the draw. Support units and personnel are just as important as Special Forces or Rangers in the giant scheme of things. Plus, he reminded me that I signed the same blank check he did payable to Uncle Sam up to and including my life, whether a commo guy in a reserve unit, the 123rd Mess Kit Repair Depot, or Green Berets. Anyone at anytime can find themselves in the shit fighting for their lives.

So this exerpt of Patton's speech from just before D-Day smacked me in the face when I read it, and it felt like it was directed at me. I give the H/T to The Tactical Hermit for posting about this and giving me another gentle reminder.


“All of the real heroes are not storybook combat fighters, either. Every single man in this Army plays a vital role. Don’t ever let up. Don’t ever think that your job is unimportant. Every man has a job to do and he must do it. Every man is a vital link in the great chain. What if every truck driver suddenly decided that he didn’t like the whine of those shells overhead, turned yellow, and jumped headlong into a ditch? The cowardly bastard could say, ‘Hell, they won’t miss me, just one man in thousands.’ But, what if every man thought that way? Where in the hell would we be now? What would our country, our loved ones, our homes, even the world, be like? No, Goddamnit, Americans don’t think like that. Every man does his job. Every man serves the whole. Every department, every unit, is important in the vast scheme of this war. The ordnance men are needed to supply the guns and machinery of war to keep us rolling. The Quartermaster is needed to bring up food and clothes because where we are going there isn’t a hell of a lot to steal. Every last man on K.P. has a job to do, even the one who heats our water to keep us from getting the G.I. shits'"

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Oh Goody... A New Commission of State Government Bloat and Waste

As if Kommiecticut state government isn't onerous, intrusive, and wasteful enough, the General Assembly has passed a bill that declares... are you ready for this one... RACISM IS A PUBLIC HEALTHCARE CRISIS!

It is all set to be sent up to Jolly Ned Lamont for his signature. Here is a link to the news story in the CT Post.

There is so much wrong with this type of crap, but mainly declaring something that has NOTHING TO DO with healthcare as healthcare so government can exercise control over that thing. The two subject points for me that concern me are these. First is this: Under the bill, a commission on racial equity in public health would be formed to examine the impact of racism “on vulnerable populations within diverse groups … including on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability, including, but not limited to, Black American descendants of slavery.” The panel would be required to submit a report to the state’s Office of Policy and Management and to the Public Health and Appropriations committees by Jan. 1, 2022 and every six months thereafter outlining recommendations and documenting progress. That's right, a whole new bureaucracy where a person can be appointed if they are connected or a member of the Dimmocrats/Communists party (lifetime appointment mind you) 2nd Administrative Assistant to the Assistant of The 3rd Deputy Commissioner for a "no show" job with a six-figure salary and great benefits. Also, referring to the "Black American descendants of slavery" sounds like setting the stage for a future amendment for reparations. That's the kind of thing those fucking slimey scumbags pass in the wee hours of the morning just before the regular session ends, and boom... it's law.

The second problem is this: The measure also establishes a “gun intervention and prevention” advisory committee to consult with community groups, victim service providers, researchers and others and to identify strategies for reducing gun violence. Kommiecticut ranks right behind Kommiefornia, Illinois, NJ and NY for the constant barrage of infringements against the 2nd Amendment in the form of unconstitutional and intolerable acts. By tying the tribal jungle warfare occurring nightly in the shithole Dimmocrat/Communist run jungles known as the large cities, they can try to ram through MORE GUN CONTROL. Although read into the intent of the bill where they are trying to reach out to the communities of color, and it sounds RAAAAACIST to me. But, just like the person that self medicates, if a little is good, more must be better! The part about consulting with unnamed "others" sounds like the Doomberg, David Hogg, and Shannon Watts types. I still can't figure out why there hasn't been a violent crime in my little town in almost 6 years. That incident was a knife wielding robber at the local convenience store where no one was injured. I can't remember anything prior to that. I know of very few people in town that most likely don't own a firearm, but many more folks with arsenals that would frighten the average hoplophobe to death, so gun ownership and use isn't really (and of course never has been) the problem.

I have had to unfortunately resign myself to the fact that I have only two legal choices when it comes to what to do about getting the fuck out of Kommiecticut. Leave my wife and seek my fortune elsewhere on my own, or wait until I possibly become a widower. If it is the latter I will be signing on with a realtor to sell in between making her funeral arrangements. My wife will not go because she is reactive, not proactive and there is nothing I can do about it. Something really bad would have to happen to her for her to want to get out. I have been trying to persuade her unsuccessfully since 1991. It is the same with firearms. She has had her permit since 2014, but never once considered carrying one. It will take her getting assaulted and robbed or car-jacked while out shopping before she will think about carrying a firearm.

Gonna Call It What It Is

An ACT OF WAR perpetrated by the Chi-Coms and the CCP against the rest of the civilized world.

"What act was that, Glypto?" you may ask. The creation and release of COVID-19/SARS-2 from their research bioweapon lab in Wuhan. Therefore, the nations of the world should band together and declare war against China. But rather than totally destroy it like Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan, target all the CCP members with SF type squads for elimination, all the time bombarding their citizens with high powered pro freedom messages on every medium possible.