Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Want a good written explanation about personal Liberty as applied to the "Not-A-Vaxx?" I came across a piece that lays out why you may think the way you do when it comes to government telling you what to do. Especially when it comes to things like the mandatory jab. The bullet points are:


  1.  My body is mine.  What goes into it, or not into it, is my business and mine alone.
  2. What I have or have not put in it is also no one’s business.
  3. What ever I claim for myself, I must rationally and morally accept when anyone makes the same claim.
  4. I should stand in solidarity with anyone in jeopardy for claiming these liberties in some way to the best of my abilities.

Therefore, Declarations Concerning Covid Related Policies

  1.  I will not tell any governing personnel or business what I have or have not put in my body.  Even if I’ve been ‘vaccinated’, I stand in solidarity with all those who have not, will not or cannot provide documentation or affirmation about that status for any reason.  That is a liberty I will not give away and I will stand beside all those who are victims of such coercive aggression.
  2. I will not submit to any testing until I believe it is medically prudent for myself.  I will not give the results to anyone that I don’t choose to based on my own ethics and choices while considering others I’ve been in contact with.
  3. I will not apply for any medical exemption for anything.  I don’t accept that I need to ask permission in these matters from anyone and I stand in solidarity with those who cannot get such an indulgence from those in power.  They shouldn’t need one either.
  4. I will not apply for or claim any religious exemption.  My status in that regard is my business alone.  Whether my claim for my liberty is religious to me or not is irrelevant.  I will not justify my liberty by my or anyone’s religion.  I just claim it.  It is self-evident and unalienable.
  5. I will not falsify documentation or affirmation of my medical status to evade mandates.  I stand with all those who cannot or would not comply whether any or all of us could evade such mandates. I will not leave behind those who cannot or would not evade them by evading them myself.


I'll take this even farther as applied to organ donation after hearing Walter E. Williams talk about it while guest hosting The Rush Limbaugh Show. I believe my body is the ultimate item of private personal property. A test of personal property is whether you can sell it or any part of it. Everyone involved in an organ donation makes money on the transplant... except the donor or their estate. Current law prohibits the selling of human organs. But... the recipient receives a new functioning organ. The entire medical and support staff that removes the organ and the entire medical and support staff that implants the organ are paid their salaries. The courier that hands the organ in the cooler to the hospital staff, the pilot and air courier staff all get paid. The guy that fuels the courier vehicle or ambulance and the airplane gets paid. The hospital cafeteria workers get paid for feeding the hospital staff. See what I'm saying... lots of money changes hands excluding the donor or their estate. Therefore, until the laws are changed, I am NOT a designated organ donor. My surviving wife could certainly override my wishes if she's right there when I cash in while lying in a hospital bed. But without the "DONOR" designation on my drivers license, the chances of my organs being preserved for donation are slim to none. I am a motorcyclist and a firefighter after all. If recipients are prevented from paying me for a spare organ, blood, plasma, or bone marrow while alive, or all of it when I'm dead, then I'll just take them with me into the cremation furnace, thanks.

RTWT @ disturbeddeputy

Why? BFYTW  H/T to fellow blogger Phil at Bustednuckles

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Who's Hitler Now... Hmmmm?

Kommiecticut Governor "Jolly" Ned Lamont, that's who.

The self-appointed king of Kommiecticut "Jolly" Ned Lamont says this shit with impunity



And both parties of the establishment are apoplectic, because Republican State Rep. Anne Dauphinais has had enough of dictatorial rule in Kommiecticut, and doubled-down on her statements. The pearl clutching, and wailing and gnashing of teeth by all those that were silent when the Hitler and Nazi terms were casually thrown around for the previous four years is not surprising. “King Lamont aka Hitler dictating what we must inject into our bodies to feed our family!” Dauphinais wrote in a reply late Thursday to a Facebook post. Kommiecticut has lived under single party rule for decades prompting this “Hitler too was a dictator enabled by the rule of the single Nazi party.”You know you hit them in a sensitive spot when they go after you personally instead of trying to refute your statements.

This one woman has MORE BALLS THAN ANYONE in the entire state government... COMBINED! I hope she never apologizes, and wish she were my state rep.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Fuck Twitter. I Am on Mastadon!

Vlad Tepes Mastadon pod


My handle is @glyptodropem

From what I gather, users create accounts through pods (on mesh connected servers) so it can't be shut down like Parler was with centralized servers in one place. And there is no dictatorial central control limiting speech. Schmuckerberg and Dorkey can go fuck themselves in the ass with a thorn covered dildo.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

5th Weekend Motorcycle Outing

And yesterday's was a good one... "The Battle For The Airfield" at The Collings Foundation in Hudson MA.



This is the 5th weekend in a row I have been able to get out on "The Beast" for an event. The four previous were:

  • 9-11-21 - "2021 Ride For Gage" to benefit the Jordan Porco Foundation for suicide prevention
  • 9-18-21 - Patriot Guard Riders; Framingham, MA bridge dedication for USAF Senior Airman Deanna K. Richards.
  • 9-25-21 - CT Citizens Defense League Annual Poker Run
  • 10-1-21- Patriot Guard Riders; procession escort ride, military honors and funerals for eight CT Veterans with no families whose remains went unclaimed. The PGR now claims them as our own.


Yesterday's ride started early. I was meeting the bikers I ride with the most at a convenience store local to me. From there the plan was to meet up with another group I know from southeastern CT. They were coming up I-395 and hooking up with us at the Burger King in Dayville at 09:00 which is right off the exit for RT. 101. Right on time, everyone was together in the BK parking lot and had time to go use the rest room. We then had a quick riders meeting. This ride was going to be a long stretch of interstate since I-395 to I-290 and then I-290 to the end was a straight shot and the best way to go. With a total of 13 bikes it would not be a hard group to manage, and it wasn't. We arrived safely and all together about 1/2 hour before the scheduled start time for the first battle at 11:00.

The battle got started late and I got some great video footage from the 50 yard line with my Nikon D5600 mounted on a mono-pole held up over the crowd. I had on my 70-300mm VR lens which allowed for some excellent framing. I had the monitor turned facing down so I could look up and see it. Unfortunately, something happened to my video files when I took the memory card out of the camera and plugged it into my PC. Nothing bad happened to the still photos. The videos were all there when I watched them on the camera. I used the Windows file recovery to get some back but not the second half of the first battle. That 15 minute long video is gone and THAT FUCKING SUCKS!!!

Anyway, after the 11:00 battle, we toured the museums and got some food. Some of the group wanted to stay for the 3:00 PM show, and then go for pizza later while still up in MA. About half of the group either had enough or had other commitments after. I was in the latter group. I had been in contact with my wife and she informed me we had plans for the evening, so getting home just after 3 PM worked out perfectly.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Well, Here's Their Plan

They're not coming after us... they're coming after YOU! (meaning Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina).


Yesterday I did a post about the governors tyrants of Kommiecticut, NY, NJ, and PA having a conference on gun violence. It turns out they have a problem with free states not having onerous gun control like they have implemented so that MUST BE the problem. It certainly can't be the fact they coddle criminals and are soft on crime? Nah. 

Since they have no legal authority to do anything, they will work to turn those states blue, and let the imported LIBTARD voters do their bidding.