Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Sitting In The E.R. Waiting Room - ARMED!

I am sitting in a hospital E.R. waiting room while my wife seeks treatment for multiple dog bites on both hands. This occurred at work where she is a dog trainer. She was brought here by one of her co-workers, and I didn't know where she was until after I got off shift and home. I took care of the one dog at the house and headed for the hospital. Of course because of COOOOVIIIIDDDD! I can't be with her, so here I wait, wearing my N95 face diaper under my nose and breathing freely. A few other people are wearing theirs the same way. What a fuckin' joke.

I am glad I strapped on the 45 Shield and two spare mags. The hospital, like most is in a shitty urban area. The doors just open when someone goes in or out and there is no security in the waiting room. If some nut were to burst in here with a weapon, he would normally be able to maim or kill everyone in this room unimpeded. But not tonight. I am sitting in the back of the room, back to the wall and facing the door. Unlike the hospitals I usually transport to, this one does not have any signs designating it a GFDZ*. Not that those signs ever matter to me, but normally I only really need to carry to go to and from the parking lots. Here, even inside, I would be a sitting duck.

So Wifey just texted me. She is headed to X-Ray and then getting sutured up. I will text her to make sure she gets a DPT shot since I am pretty sure she is out of date. She says it hurts like hell and that she is pretty hungry since she hasn't had supper.

*GFDZ: Gun Free Death Zone

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A Conspiracy Theory Becomes A Caution

The other day, I read a blog post or an article from a source I don't remember. The subject was one of the dumbest things I've ever read, and does nothing to help the position of those of us against the phoney baloney jabs. Perhaps it was a psy-op meant to be deceitful, who knows. The jist of it was that jabbed people were injected with micro electronics and are now active bluetooth devices and show up on your smart phone looking for a pairing connection. The article then spun this tale about being remote controlled yada-yada-yada... a bunch of nonsense. I was sitting near people that I know have been jabbed so I checked my own phone. Unless I am actively using bluetooth it is turned off on my phone. Sure enough, when I turned on my bluetooth, several MAC adresses showed up as available to pair. But it wasn't the individuals that were broadcasting pairing invitations, it was their devices. Three cell phones, a tablet, and a laptop, all verified as to which MAC address went where and all were accounted for. This article/post was total tin foil hat nonsense because everyone has their devices near or on them and that's what you see.

All that being said, I recommend you do the same as I and turn off bluetooth completely on all capable devices unless you are actively pairing with another device. Tyrants love to use their Chi-Com Xi Flu "contact tracing" via bluetooth to "keep you safe" by tracking your movements. I say FUCK 'EM, don't give them any assistance what so ever.

The Market Will Determine Their Existence

Smart Guns Finally Arriving in U.S., Seeking To Shake Up Firearms Market

They will ONLY be marginally successful with government mandates and/or taxpayer funded subsidies. Let's see how many military units and police departments jump on board for these pieces of shit. My guess is none will. Smith & Wesson learned a hard lesson by being boycotted for working on this concept in 1999, so hopefully all manufacturers will learn from that lesson and stay away from such stupidity.

As for me... yeah, no thanks. I'll stick with a gun that reliably goes bang when I pull a mechanical trigger. Especially if my life is on the line. There are hundreds of millions of firearms out there, so there will never be a need to purchase a smart gun. Last week they were talking about putting "kill switches" in future new cars. Who doesn't think they would be able to do the same with smart guns? Imagine entire areas flooded with smart gun jammer signals, because GUNS BAD! All my firearms are already absolutely safe, providing anyone handling them observes the Four Rules of Gun Safety. 

Monday, January 10, 2022

New Blog Page

I have decided that instead of creating a post, I would do a page that I can easily update or change and I can easily reference in the future.   

No To The Jab - Point By Point

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Apparently, Blogs Have Been Hacked/Hijacked

Cold Fury and BustedNuckles blogs are not responding after going to war with scumbag fuckin' SJW's. Phil is a guest author here, maybe he can put up a post to update us. I will reach out via email.

If you are such a free speech cancelling SJW, know that you will be in the trench covered in lime with the traitors and tyrants you support.