Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Showing posts with label Kill a Commie for Mommy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kill a Commie for Mommy. Show all posts

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Oh, I Am Already There


Shooting fuckers in the face at your door, decorating lampposts, or lined up against a pock-marked and blood spattered wall. Any way you do it, trenches full of bodies covered in lime and forgotten. As we restore The Republic, we'll remind them we just wanted to be left alone.


H/T Ninety Miles From Tyranny where I shamelessly lifted the meme.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The Market Will Determine Their Existence

Smart Guns Finally Arriving in U.S., Seeking To Shake Up Firearms Market

They will ONLY be marginally successful with government mandates and/or taxpayer funded subsidies. Let's see how many military units and police departments jump on board for these pieces of shit. My guess is none will. Smith & Wesson learned a hard lesson by being boycotted for working on this concept in 1999, so hopefully all manufacturers will learn from that lesson and stay away from such stupidity.

As for me... yeah, no thanks. I'll stick with a gun that reliably goes bang when I pull a mechanical trigger. Especially if my life is on the line. There are hundreds of millions of firearms out there, so there will never be a need to purchase a smart gun. Last week they were talking about putting "kill switches" in future new cars. Who doesn't think they would be able to do the same with smart guns? Imagine entire areas flooded with smart gun jammer signals, because GUNS BAD! All my firearms are already absolutely safe, providing anyone handling them observes the Four Rules of Gun Safety. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Apparently, Blogs Have Been Hacked/Hijacked

Cold Fury and BustedNuckles blogs are not responding after going to war with scumbag fuckin' SJW's. Phil is a guest author here, maybe he can put up a post to update us. I will reach out via email.

If you are such a free speech cancelling SJW, know that you will be in the trench covered in lime with the traitors and tyrants you support.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

January 6th, Not A Date To Commemorate

But not for reasons LIBTURD politicians and their propaganda media state. This date to them is way worse than 9-11, or the favorite phrase "threat to our democracy!" First off, nothing rankles me more then calling our Constitutional Republic a democracy. Anyone with a brain knows a democracy is nothing more than MOB RULE. That's what has the LIBTURDS so aggravated by Joe Manchin. 

Nope, today should not be commemorated because it is the date of a missed opportunity... to decorate every lamppost in that shithole "swamp" with the body of traitor politicians and bureaucrats operating there, leaving their bodies to rot in the sun and be picked apart by the crows. Instead, we have anyone that isn't of the proper political party that happened to be in D.C. that day being held as a political prisoner in Garland's Prison, and LIBTURD demon-craps doubling down on full commie.

They refer to it as an "insurrection." They have no idea what a REAL ARMED INSURRECTION would look like. But they may... soon.


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

My Solution Is Purposely Hideous

"The people in our Governments, who pushed this wickedness, with the weight of law, must die – and they must die so slowly and in such indescribable agony that, in one-thousand years time, humanity will speak in hushed tones and usher the young outside when detailing it."

- Wes Rhinier

I say we research every form of horrible, cruel and painful death, all the way back to biblical times. Use each one in turn, bringing these scum to the brink of death and then nursing them back to health without pain relief, only to impart the next method the same way. When their body won't take much more, use one of the methods that always ends in death, like say... impaling. To make the process last longer, alternate the evil-doers with their parents, wives, and children. And have those not being sliced open or burned, watch the others so everyone of them will be shining examples of how not to act against their fellow man for thousands of years in the future.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Big Lie - "Pandemic of The Unvaccinated"

My wife just got a text from a friend of hers that has a dog grooming shop. She has had to temporary close down the shop the week before Christmas (one of her busiest times) because every employee has come down with Chi-Com Xi Flu, somewhere  between 6 and 12 people. It will remain closed. Every single person had the jab.


"Pandemic of the unvaccinated?" Shut the fuck up you FUCKING LIARS!! Enough with the BKT*. Stop complying with jab, face diaper, and distancing diktats. Live your life as if gubmint doesn't exist.

BKT* - Bullshit Kabuki Theater

Monday, December 6, 2021

Warren Wilhelm CAN SUCK IT!

Comrade Warren Wilhelm (aka NYC Mayor Bill DiBlasio) has released his latest tyrannical diktat that all private companies in that shithole must have all their employees get jabbed. 


A question: if I live in Kommiecticut but work for a large company headquartered in NYC, and my operations office is in Hartford, would I be mandated to get jabbed? Sounds like an overreach of authority to me.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Oh Yeah Wikipedia?

This was a huge post. I moved all the Wikipedia content to a separate page on my blog.

Apparently, Big Tech wants kill this Wikipedia page. So I copied and pasted THE WHOLE THING to live here on my blog forever. They think scrubbing the details will put commie's record of killing people out of existence? I say "Nay nay."

I Always Suspected As Much

From Vox Popoli:


I never really believed the tyrants or elites were actually getting injected with anything other than saline. Now it may actually be true. Let's see how many others come forward to confirm.

Just like with articles in The Babylon Bee, conspiracy theories seem to come true nowadays.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Oh, So Now You're A Doctor As Well As A Tyrant?

The fucking douchebag wannabe tyrant Kommiecticut Governor "Jolly" Ned Lamont was in Vernon today and gave a video statement to his subjects.

Go to the 0:41 mark where Jolly Ned makes statements regarding YOUR VACCINATION STATUS.


That's right, he declared YOU ARE NO LONGER FULLY VACCINATED if it has been longer than a period determined by him, because SCIENCE I guess. I am so glad I have never even gotten a single jab, because this bullshit of repeated jabs is just going to go on until A) forever, or B) Nuremberg II happens and all these jab-happy motherfuckers are decorating lamp posts or lying in a trench covered in lime.

Here are a couple of reminder photos of traitors and tyrants meeting their just end in chronological order:

The four Lincoln assassination co-conspirators

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, his wife, and his henchmen

A Viet Cong officer is summarily executed by General Loan of South Viet Nam

Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife giving freedom to the citizens of Romania

This is not a threat to anyone, but a reminder that eventually the pendulum swings in the opposite direction, and can do so violently.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

That's Right, I Said It!

If this federal vaccine mandate enforcement goes sideways....

Make their body armor ineffective and deny the tyrants an open casket funeral by shooting them in the fucking face. Repeat as necessary.

"We're here to jab your non-compliant employees, or collect the $14,000 per instance fine. Thank you for your cooperation."

After reading more and more about the J6 detainees and their abysmal treatment and conditions, I am committed to not being taken alive. I just hope I can take a few goons with me. If everyone can do this, they will run out of goons before we run out of Patriots.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

A Prediction - Make Note Of The Date

From the mind of a wise, old sage.... ME!

While the news of Youngkin being elected governor in Virginia, and the razor thin results still coming in for New Jersey sounding promising; don't think for a minute it will be viewed as anything resembling a defeat by the enemies of freedom. They would be declaring victory and dancing like Snoopy if the results were different, instead of seething in silence. My own town elections have over-turned years long standing Demon-Crap control of town government.

My official prediction: The commies are just going to double down and commie even harder. They can't help themselves, and it won't be much longer before they set off events they won't be able to stop.

Monday, October 18, 2021

A Poem - That Comes With A Macro-Aggression Trigger Warning

If you are a sensitive little snowflake SJW, stop reading here and close your browser window. FINAL WARNING!

















Whatcha Gonna Do in ACW2?

When the shooting starts, where will you be?

Hiding with the lights off... or taking aim from behind a tree?

On the phone to 911 in a panicked call?

Or armed behind the cover of a stone wall?

Under the bed covers just trying to get some rest?

Or in the deep concealment of a wet, miserable sniper nest?

Will you be praying to God to save you from danger?

Or praying to God for help to win in your righteous anger.

Be that brave person to go deep behind enemy lines

To disrupt, destroy, burn, steal, and kill all you can find

When there is nothing left to lose, there is everything to give

Your life as a free citizen remains yours to live

Do what you must. Offer "No Mercy" and "No Quarter" 

Kill all of those that are "just following an order"

Take out their families, burn their homes to the ground

Leave their bodies hanging to rot, gagged and bound

When the count of the dead on both sides become too high to bear

There will be plenty of blame for all combatants to share

When the tyrants are dead and us Citizens can be left alone

Only then will we lay down our arms and return home

Glypto Dropem - 18 October 2021

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Who's Hitler Now... Hmmmm?

Kommiecticut Governor "Jolly" Ned Lamont, that's who.

The self-appointed king of Kommiecticut "Jolly" Ned Lamont says this shit with impunity



And both parties of the establishment are apoplectic, because Republican State Rep. Anne Dauphinais has had enough of dictatorial rule in Kommiecticut, and doubled-down on her statements. The pearl clutching, and wailing and gnashing of teeth by all those that were silent when the Hitler and Nazi terms were casually thrown around for the previous four years is not surprising. “King Lamont aka Hitler dictating what we must inject into our bodies to feed our family!” Dauphinais wrote in a reply late Thursday to a Facebook post. Kommiecticut has lived under single party rule for decades prompting this “Hitler too was a dictator enabled by the rule of the single Nazi party.”You know you hit them in a sensitive spot when they go after you personally instead of trying to refute your statements.

This one woman has MORE BALLS THAN ANYONE in the entire state government... COMBINED! I hope she never apologizes, and wish she were my state rep.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Fuck Twitter. I Am on Mastadon!

Vlad Tepes Mastadon pod


My handle is @glyptodropem

From what I gather, users create accounts through pods (on mesh connected servers) so it can't be shut down like Parler was with centralized servers in one place. And there is no dictatorial central control limiting speech. Schmuckerberg and Dorkey can go fuck themselves in the ass with a thorn covered dildo.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Well, Here's Their Plan

They're not coming after us... they're coming after YOU! (meaning Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina).


Yesterday I did a post about the governors tyrants of Kommiecticut, NY, NJ, and PA having a conference on gun violence. It turns out they have a problem with free states not having onerous gun control like they have implemented so that MUST BE the problem. It certainly can't be the fact they coddle criminals and are soft on crime? Nah. 

Since they have no legal authority to do anything, they will work to turn those states blue, and let the imported LIBTARD voters do their bidding.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

BOHICA - You Know What That Means!

Get ready, residents of Kommiecticut, NY, NJ, and PA.. the four governors tyrants are announcing new initiatives in a joint conference this afternoon to combat "gun violence" because as we all know, guns load themselves, jump up off the table, and kill only random innocent people. It was announced on the 11:30 A.M. news break on WTIC AM 1080. I can not find any online info about this to link to.

In reality, there will be no sweeping up of the suspected street thugs, gang members, or drug dealers to find illegally possessed and stolen firearms. Oh no, they will be going after the hunters and permit holders, as well as makes and models of firearms that frighten them or the ammo that feeds them.


Continue with The Armed Civil Disobedience started in post Sandy Hook 2013 and frighten the tyrants into the inaction they still find themselves in from the last times they passed unconstitutional/intolerable acts.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Commies Just Gonna Commie

"There comes a time when you do have to give up what you consider your individual right of making your own decision for the greater good of society" Dr. Anthony Fauci

True. When you are behind the barbed wire of the camps. But history has shown that such a situation is usually temporary, and afterwards those in charge of the camps find themselves dangling from a noose, or lined up against a wall. This is the same line of bullshit given every time the Commies in government need to get that pesky Constitution out of the way.

If anyone was still on the fence as to whether it is time to "refresh the Tree of Liberty" or not, this very public statement should have you making final preperations to throw off the shackles of these oppressive "rulers" posing as a government.

Yeah... that's right, I said it! BFYTW

Sunday, September 19, 2021

They Need To Be Destroyed

Governments, politicians, bureaucrats, political appointees, healthcare professionals, media, big tech, big pharma... they are all enemies of freedom loving people around the world. They are suppressing the truth about the jab, in efforts to get absolutely everyone injected with their poison concoction. 

 This post from The Burning Platform has a good example of what I mean. If the truth EVER comes out, The WWII Nuremberg trials will pale in comparison to the trials and executions that would take place for the genocide occurring now. After The Holocaust, the cry was "Never Again!" yet here it is happening again, driven by a propaganda machine that is so effective, people are driven by false fears to willingly get their death jab. Hitler himself would be envious of such success.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


It stands for "Bullshit Kabuki Theater" and I have used it in passing here and there. But now I am going to use it more regularly to describe the situation we find ourselves in with regard to the Chink Bug. Mask of Oppression, social distancing, phony baloney "vaccines," tyrannical orders and mandates, and the steady march to armed conflict with those of us that refuse to comply.

H/T to Midwest Chick