Prove to me that the fucking commies running this country aren't trying to spark ACW2 by indicting political opponents. Just try.
Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"
Friday, March 31, 2023
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Monday, March 27, 2023
Pfuck Pfizer!!
I stream WTIC AM 1080 out of Hartford most of the day for talk radio, and have been hearing a commercial spot for Pfizer's "Prevnar 20" pneumococcal vaccine. Below is a link to the ad campaign including an embedded video. I was unable to find an audio recording of the actual commercial I heard.
Pfizer Prevnar 20 Ad at
Go to the 0:25 mark in the video and read the text on the screen that says "Prevnar 20 is given by injection. It does not protect against all strains. Continued approval may depend on a supportive study." Did you catch that last part? On the radio spot they speak that quote but in the video you have to read it. You know what it says to me? EXPERIMENTAL CRAP THAT THEY ARE STILL TESTING and approval may be pulled at any time. Then we'll see the ads for the slip-n-fall lawyers asking "if you have been harmed by.... "
Just like the Chi-Com Xi Flu jabs, annual flu shots, shingles vaccine, etc. I now shun them all. And similar to the Chi-Com Xi Flu jabs, they don't offer 100% protection. So if you think this shot is a good idea for you, have at it, but I recommend against it.
Sunday, March 26, 2023
They Are Hereby On Notice
Any politician that proposes, votes for, or otherwise supports the actual implementation of the forfeiture of my retirement funds to pay for ANYTHING other than my personal finances will immediately forfeit their lives, the lives of their spouses and children, pets and livestock, their parents and siblings, and have their homestead reduced to ashes.
Every year it seems some LIBTURD in congress proposes this and it never goes any where. This time it seems with the thin majority in the house easily defeated by traitors in the Stupid Party, an Evil Party majority in the senate, a demented Commie puppet in the White House, and weaponized government agencies, the danger is very real. Therefore, these morons need to realize the danger goes both ways.
It will make January 6th look like a garden party.
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Earf Hour.... PFFFFT!
Its between 8:30 PM and 9:30 PM right now on the East Coast. Every interior and exterior light will continue burning at my house until 9:30 as a beacon of the anti-environmentalist shithead realist I am. I hope all the air traffic flying overhead sees it among the darkness of my rural town that has its share of these Greta and Gore worshipping morons.
Goings On In The "Quiet Corner"
I took and passed my annual fire department "Interior Firefighter" physical yesterday, meaning another year of cheating death with interior attack firefighting inside burning buildings. The last one I was in occurred on February 16th. Nothing visible from the outside, we had to go in and look for it. First guy on scene did a 360 (walk around to see all sides of a building) and told us the fire was to the right. Unfortunately it was when he was looking at the back of the house, not the front where we went in. The house was filled with smoke, and we went down the hallway searching the bedrooms for the fire. The sound of the over the range microwave crashing to the floor in the kitchen behind us said to go the other way to check. Sure enough the fire was in the kitchen and the adjoining room. We knocked it down quick with a single hose line. Being in my 60's I am good for one cylinder of SCBA air for initial knock down and then I'm done. I am more than happy to let others go in to pull ceilings and do overhaul while staying outside to roll hose or run the pump.
With temps in the mid 50's and partly sunny yesterday afternoon, I got out on "The Beast" for an inaugural spring ride. Last time I was out was New Years Day. I pulled off the cover, disconnected the Battery Tender, topped off the tire air pressure, took it off the stands, and punched the starter button. It fired right up as I expected. I backed it out of the garage to let it get up to temperature, and took the opportunity to re-position the snowblower at the front of the bike. I won't move it down to the barn until its time to get the lawnmower and lawn furniture out. I don't need to have it put away for a surprise heavy spring snowstorm and get caught unprepared. I did a simple 20 mile loop around through my town and the next one over. Of course, since it was Friday, my normal shift partner was on duty, so I had to stop at the firehouse to torment him. I do circles in front of the Day Room window with the music blaring and honking the horn. I got the expected two hand middle finger salute out the window. I went around back and parked so he came out to B.S. for a bit. After that it was back home to put the bike away because today was predicted to be wet and crappy out. They were right for a change.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Good... No, GREAT Advice
H/T to Tam over at View From The Porch
Here is the link to the full article she references. RTWT, its not long
As someone that walks around armed all the time except on duty at the firehouse, I have never thought about this type of situation, but the advice to just GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE! is solid. Not only does it help keep you and yours from getting shot, but the cops not knowing your name as a witness is definitely in your favor after the incident.
I try to avoid stupid places and situations as best I can, but you know the stupidity can catch you anywhere. This past weekend I visited a friend in Hartford Hospital, which is posted everywhere as a *GFDZ. Because like most hospitals in New England it is located in a Demon-Crap controlled shithole city, I ignore the GFDZ designation and carry anyway. A firearm cocked and locked with proper ammunition and two spare mags carried concealed. After dark that would include a tactical flashlight. I actually feel pretty safe inside the hospital itself, but it is the walk to and from and inside the parking garage that is the potential danger zone. Then there is the drive across the city to get onto the interstate to leave the shithole at high speed. The truck doors are locked with windows up, my firearm is in a Remora friction holster between my seat and the center console for easy access, and at every stop light I have an escape route should trouble come to my vehicle while stopped. The only way to up my game would be driving a M1 Abrams, MRAP, or maybe Kill Dozer.
*GFDZ = Gun Free Death Zone
Saturday, March 18, 2023
GASP! Don't Say It....
What is it? You know the word. It makes you a pariah of society if you say it or write it. It is the "N-word" and can only be vaguely referenced to by saying "N-word" or by writing it as "N*****"
But I am going to write it out in its entirety.
Scroll down below to see it and be SHOCKED!
Here it is:
It is because of the freak show clown world we find ourselves in that makes this the new offensive N-word.
Men born male and raised as boys - NORMAL
Women born female and raised as girls - NORMAL
Pretend females born male barred from playing girls sports - NORMAL
No type of sexual education until kids are at least in 8th grade - NORMAL
1 Man and 1 woman joined in holy matrimony - NORMAL
Secure national borders and orderly migration - NORMAL
Free speech for all - NORMAL
No vaccine development when there are effective therapeutics available - NORMAL
True vaccines that actually prevent infection and spread of disease - NORMAL
Tyrants and traitors dragged from office and executed for their crimes - NORMAL
Etc, etc, etc, etc.
There are many more that could be listed by it would be huge and I have things to do today.
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Oh Well
I picked up this email from the administrator at this morning:
Google targeting 75 Million Pissed Off Patriots
| Mon, Mar 13, 9:26 PM (3 days ago) | ||
In this post from January 31st, I wrote about the changes Goolag made to the "Sensitive Content" warning by adding an age verification that can only be done by a Goolag logon. Below is the email response to Normal American.
Re: Google targeting 75 Million Pissed Off Patriots
| 11:12 AM (12 minutes ago) | ||
So the "Sensitive Content" warning will stay in place, and I will no longer be listed on the Normal American news page. I am hoping that at some point, Goolag will allow age verification by other logons like Twatter and Fecesbook.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
When They Don't Go Home To Their Family
THAT is when the government goons will stop kicking in doors and otherwise harassing citizens.
First up a video from a real doll.... Liberty Doll
And this one. H/T to A Day In The Life of a Talk Radio Blogger
If anyone tries to force entry through my door at Zero-Dark-Thirty, they only have a few seconds to get to me. The dogs will have already all started going nuts as they approach the house. I will open fire on anyone trying to enter my bedroom, no ifs, ands, or buts. There is a very small area at the top of the stairs, so no room to stack an entry team.
Am I pissed? You better fucking believe I am.
FAFO fed.
Monday, March 13, 2023
Respectfully Disagree
This post earlier from Tam over at View From The Porch hits on a subject I have disagreed with by others in the gun world as well, hers is just the latest. Massad Ayoob also wrote one a few months ago on the same subject and I have seen others I can't recall. That subject is having one dedicated carry gun, and no more. I am not a paid gun writer or any self-proclaimed expert that will ever tell others what they should do. If asked I will tell others what I do because it works for me. As they say "YMMV."
I have four (five if you count the Gen 3 Glock 21 on the nightstand) personal defense handguns, and I don't select my "CCW pistol every morning based on the color of one’s mood ring or whether its grips match one’s choice of socks that day." There are many more factors that come into play for me, and I always know EXACTLY which one I am carrying, how it operates, and practice with all of them. Here they are in no particular order:
Ruger GP-161 in .357 Magnum
When outdoors hiking, walking my dog, in the woods, or at the range. I open carry it on a dedicated gun belt in a Bianchi thumb-break holster with a pair of HKS 586-A speed-loaders in Bianchi dual speed-loader carrier. The cylinder and speed-loaders are fully loaded with Hornady Critical Defense .357 Magnums. Takes care of local 4-legged predators, bruins, or 2-legged predators.
Ruger SR9c in 9mm
In cooler weather under a flannel over shirt or coat and carried in an "On Your 6 Design" kydex OWB holster at my 3 o'clock. At my 7 o'clock is an On Your 6 Design dual mag carrier. Magazines are Kommiecticut legal 10 rounders loaded with Hornady Critical Defense, and all my semi-autos are carried in "Condition 1" with one in the pipe and safety ON for a total of 31 rounds. Depending on where I am going and for how long I will also include my SureFire Defender flashlight. A trip to the local store for example may mean I leave the spare mags at home. A day long shopping trip, out to a restaurant, or the rare outing to a theater is the full loadout.
S & W 45 Shield in .45ACP
This one is more year round and is probably carried more than the SR9c. I will carry it the same way as the SR9c in cooler weather. Also at my 3 o'clock but in a DeSantis friction fit OWB Speed Scabbard. In it I carry the extended 7 round magazine, and the same magazines in a DeSantis Dual Magazine carrier. All are loaded with Hornady Critical Defense 185 gr ammo, giving me a total of 22 rounds. My particular gun has NO manual safety and the Tritium Nite Sights. Yes... one definitely in the pipe on this one too.
Because of the slim profile, this is the gun I carry on my bike. It all disappears under my leather vest.
In warm weather wearing Duluth Trading cargo shorts, I will carry it in a DeSantis pocket holster with the 6-round flush fit magazine. It disappears in the right thigh pocket, and a single spare 7 round magazine is in the left thigh pocket in a divided pocket made for a knife. I carry just the gun in this manner every day to and from work in the right front pocket of my EMS trousers. At the firehouse it is placed in a gun safe locked container attached to the truck. When I get home in the evening, I change into my jeans and swap out the flush mag for the extended 7-round mag and slide the DeSantis Speed Scabbard holster onto my belt at 3 o'clock. This means I can be armed at home, but the gun and holster can be quickly removed and secured in case I need to respond to an after hours emergency.
Ruger LCP in .380 ACP
In really hot weather when EVERYONE is wearing light clothing, I carry the gun in a DeSantis "Nemesis" pocket holster with a spare mag on my belt in a carrier that looks like it is just a pocket knife. The .380 ACP Hornady Critical Defense is the minimum I will carry and it is loaded in the Ruger factory 7-round magazines for a total of 15 rounds.
After writing all of this, I realized I do something else Massad Ayoob has written about that he isn't a fan of; "Administrative Gun Handling." I regularly handle, load, unload, holster, swap out, and otherwise have my mitts on my guns every single day, sometimes multiple times a day. His theory is once its placed in the holster, it only comes out if needed for defense, or to put it away. I disagree completely. Always practicing Col. Cooper's 4 Rules of Gun Safety, becoming proficient in gun handling is as important as shooting. I had a negligent discharge in 1984 that luckily went harmlessly into the ground, but it was my "one" and it was totally my stupidity. By always and consciously following the 4 Rules of Gun Safety and constantly handling my firearms, has only improved my gun handling proficiency.
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Ethnic Heritage Update
After putting up this post this past Friday, I decided to log into the separate anonymous account I have for my DNA test to see if the results have updated. It is not associated with the account that contains my actual family tree with real names at all, and it has all the privacy settings locked down so no one on the outside can connect to it, including my own siblings. For all Ancestry knows, Ol' Glypto just appeared on Earth with no family, immediate or extended.
Ancestry continually refines DNA maps based on additional samples from around the world, which will also update your heritage ethnicity map based on the sample you already submitted. My sample is several years old and the breakdown currently looks like this.
A close up of the current "Ethnicity Estimate"
As you can see from the previous list below, I no longer have the 2% Ireland but have gained a 6% Scotland and higher percentage of Germanic Europe. I am also less French and a little more Polish. Sweden and Denmark have replaced Ireland and Norway. Scotland, huh? Bagpipes.... people either love them or hate them, there seems to be no just simply tolerating them. I have always loved them, and being in the fire service, they will bring me to tears at a funeral if the piper(s) are really good. Haggis on the other hand, I have never had but would be willing to try it even though it sounds kinda gross. If I ever start wearing a kilt, it will be proper commando. I find Scotch Whiskey horrible, so I will stick to my Eastern European/Russian roots and Vodka. "На здоровье!"
![]() |
My previous ethnic breakdown |
Ancestry has some interesting tools for poking around your DNA estimate. This one shows where the DNA comes from, mother or father. Not really any surprises here.
We all did the DNA kits when my Dad was still alive and way before the dementia really started taking my Dad away as we knew him. Funny story about Dad... our first DNA maps showed us kids mostly from the Spain portion of the Iberian Peninsula. Our last name is the same in French, Spanish, and Italian, so we just thought maybe we were actually Spanish and not French. When we got those initial results and showed them to Dad, he starts, "Well, when I was in the Navy and visited Barcelona, there was this girl, you see..." OMG! we all died laughing and explained to him that you don't catch and pass on DNA, and since that girl in Spain was not our mother.... He was in the Navy and off active duty years before he met Mom. He was such a goofball sometimes. The only thing that would have been funnier was if Mom was alive to be in on all that.
Friday, March 10, 2023
No, Not Everyone
They say "everyone is Irish on Saint Paddy's Day!" but not me. According to my DNA profile, I am a European mutt with 2% of my DNA coming from the Emerald Isle, but I don't really care. Most of my heritage came from France and eastern Europe. I actually mostly embrace and celebrate my Polish heritage because it was ever present in my maternal grandparent's home. You would think I would be fluent in Polish, but my relatives born in the old country kept it as their secret language so us kids didn't know what they were saying.
Anyway, tomorrow is Hartford's annual St. Patrick's Day parade and it has been on the local news all week, so I am fucking sick of hearing about it. The local stations will be televising it tomorrow in case you can't be there.. UGH! That is, IF the weather doesn't postpone it, because they are calling for a few inches of snow overnight. Oh yes, I will be engaged in joyful schadenfreude for the parade not to happen. Kinda hard to perform Irish step-dancing in wintry slop, hee hee!
Now being born a Masshole into a family of Massholes from the Springfield-Chicopee-Holyoke area, you might think I would be excited about the Holyoke St. Patrick's parade, which is the largest in the entire region. Nope, not even a little. Also, Irish or not if you're good Cat-Lick thou shalt honor St. Patrick or its the confessional and penance for you. My parents went faithfully in their younger years, and I have slides and 8mm color movies from the 1957 and 1958 parades. A couple of slides are of then US. Senator John F. Kennedy on the reviewing stand outside Holyoke City Hall. Still don't care.
Since green is the color of puke, I shun green beer, Shamrock Shakes, green colored pancakes, or any other food and drink artificially colored green. I normally only wear green club shirts at the events held by my sportsman's club. The only other green clothes I have is camo and if I am wearing them, someone is probably about to die.
So go ahead and enjoy the parade and getting stinkin' drunk, just leave me out of it.
Thursday, March 9, 2023
Schadenfreude Plus
Senate Minority Leader "Cocaine" Mitch McConnell is in the hospital after being injured from a fall. I hope that piece of shit RINO asshole is writhing in excruciating pain, and is never able to return to his post. Taking the eternal dirt nap would just be a bonus.
See... I hate members of The Stupid Party as well as The Evil Party.
I am an equal opportunity hater.
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
I Am Now A "Made Man"
To borrow a term from my Sicilian friends and their "azienda familiare" structure, I like to say I became a made guy by being voted in as a regular member of my sportsman's club. I had been a probationary member since being accepted in December of 2020. During that time, I made sure I was highly visible and participated in all work parties, club events, and attended all meetings. The club membership is limited in size by our By-Laws, so a probie can only move up when there is a opening. In January three slots opened up, but I was #4 on the probationary seniority list. Recently, a member reached his 65th birthday and 10+ years of being a member in good standing, making him eligible for what's called "The Gentlemen's Club" meaning he is a regular member that no longer has to pay dues. That opened up the position for me.
Prospective probationary and regular members must stand in front of the membership and state why they should be accepted in as a probie or made a regular member. It was easy for me and I had multiple guys speak on my behalf. I was excused so they could then discuss me in private, and vote in a secret paper ballot. I was brought back in to a round of applause and congratulations of becoming the newest member. This means I can now vote on club matters and be elected an officer of the club. My plan is to become even more active and involved with the kitchen committee as well as get involved with the range committee, and pursue becoming an R.S.O.
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Written Testimony Submitted Today
I entered written testimony today to the CT General Assembly (CGA) for three bills. In opposition to HB 6667 and HB 6816, and in support of HB 6817. Click on the link called "Raised Bill [doc]" for the bill PDF in it's entirety.
HB 6667 Testimony
Oppose HB6667
My name is XXXXX XXXXX, and I have been involved with civilian firearms ownership since 1980. I also served in the U.S. Army from 1981 to 1987 earning my “EXPERT” marksmanship badge with the M16. I have held my CT state pistol permit since 1983 right after turning 21. I have competed in many firearms events in both rifle and pistol. I load my own pistol and rifle ammunition using standardized recipes and have developed and tested my own. I perform my own basic gunsmithing, fabrication, modification, and repairs. I have introduced and instructed many “firearms curious” individuals to their first firearms experience as well as an introduction to reloading while stressing safety at all times. I belong to the N.R.A., The CT Citizen’s Defense League, XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX Club, The Garand Collector’s Association, and am an authorized purchaser through the Civilian Marksmanship Program. I consider myself to have more firearm experience than the average firearm owner, and certainly more experience than the majority of members of the CT General Assembly, Administration, state bureaucrats, and sadly to say from experience, most law enforcement.
The U.S. Constitution; Second Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Constitution of the State of Connecticut; Article First, Section 15
Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.
Neither of these statements confer any right to arms, but instead exist to PREVENT government from denying a right to be armed. These rights come from God the Almighty to Americans by birth, not granted by any government entity. That would be called a “privilege” not a right. They also serve to remind those in government that passing ANY gun-control is a blatant violation of their “Oath of Office.”
The pro-civilian firearm disarmament element in the state government are once again targeting the peaceable gun owners of the state, this time by apparently attempting to circumvent the recent SCOTUS decision in NYSR&PA vs Bruen and restrict the carrying and ownership of firearms for non-criminal purposes.
I was going to go point by point why I oppose this legislation, but the entire document is absolute garbage and MUST BE OPPOSED. Any legislator that values The U.S. Constitution, The Connecticut Constitution, and the freedoms valued by the residents of Connecticut should also oppose this entire bill.
HB 6816 Testimony
Oppose HB6816
name is XXXXX XXXXX, and I have been involved with civilian firearms
ownership since 1980. I also served in the U.S. Army from 1981 to 1987
earning my “EXPERT” marksmanship badge with the M16. I have held my CT
state pistol permit since 1983 right after turning 21. I have competed
in many firearms events in both rifle and pistol. I load my own pistol
and rifle ammunition using standardized recipes and have developed and
tested my own. I perform my own basic gunsmithing, fabrication,
modification, and repairs. I have introduced and instructed many
“firearms curious” individuals to their first firearms experience as
well as an introduction to reloading while stressing safety at all
times. I belong to the N.R.A., The CT Citizen’s Defense League, XXXXX
XXXXX XXXXX Club, The Garand Collector’s Association, and am an
authorized purchaser through the Civilian Marksmanship Program. I
consider myself to have more firearm experience than the average firearm
owner, and certainly more experience than the majority of members of
the CT General Assembly, Administration, state bureaucrats, and sadly to
say from experience, most law enforcement.
The U.S. Constitution; Second Amendment
well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
Constitution of the State of Connecticut; Article First, Section 15
Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.
The pro-civilian firearm disarmament element in the state government are once again targeting the peaceable gun owners of the state, this time by creating a law that:
1). Relies on junk science to infringe on the rights of the peaceable gun owners of the state of Connecticut. This junk science relies on technology that only works in theory and IF it were to be implemented would be easily defeated in seconds with a simple file. It will accomplish nothing but limit the supply of brand new firearms to the non-criminal peaceable citizen, which purchases those firearms from licensed dealers, which I believe is the intended purpose. The criminal will not be affected one bit since they buy stolen and black market arms unabated.
2). The juvenile criminal element that decides to use a firearm in the commission of a crime does not and cannot purchase their ammunition from a retail outlet. Raising the age to purchase ammunition from 18 to 21 simply is another infringement against the peaceable citizens as defined in the U.S. and Connecticut Constitutions, since ammunition and magazines are as much an “arm” as intended by our Founding Fathers.
3). Restricting the mere possession of body armor is another infringement against the peaceable citizen. An arm can be strictly defensive as well as offensive. Modern body armor is as much an “arm” as a knight’s shield and armor were. Allowing government personnel to have such defensive protection and remove it from the citizens proves once again the distrust CT state government has for its citizens. The sale, transfer and possession of body armor should be completely unrestricted.
HB 6817 Testimony
Support of HB6817
name is XXXXX XXXXX, and I have been involved with civilian firearms
ownership since 1980. I also served in the U.S. Army from 1981 to 1987
earning my “EXPERT” marksmanship badge with the M16. I have held my CT
state pistol permit since 1983 right after turning 21. I have competed
in many firearms events in both rifle and pistol. I load my own pistol
and rifle ammunition using standardized recipes and have developed and
tested my own. I perform my own basic gunsmithing, fabrication,
modification, and repairs. I have introduced and instructed many
“firearms curious” individuals to their first firearms experience as
well as an introduction to reloading while stressing safety at all
times. I belong to the N.R.A., The CT Citizen’s Defense League, XXXXX
XXXXX XXXXX Club, The Garand Collector’s Association, and am an
authorized purchaser through the Civilian Marksmanship Program. I
consider myself to have more firearm experience than the average firearm
owner, and certainly more experience than the majority of members of
the CT General Assembly, Administration, state bureaucrats, and sadly to
say from experience, most law enforcement.
The U.S. Constitution; Second Amendment
well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
Constitution of the State of Connecticut; Article First, Section 15
Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.
Neither of these statements confer any right to arms, but instead exist to PREVENT government from denying a right to be armed. These rights come from God the Almighty to Americans by birth, not granted by any government entity. That would be called a “privilege” not a right. They also serve to remind those in government that passing ANY gun-control is a blatant violation of their “Oath of Office.”
I am writing to provide my support for HB6817, which according to the text of the bill, clarifies and corrects many infringements imposed over the decades in the state that directly affect only the peaceable citizen and their God-Given Right to personal self-defense, like in state parks and forests. It also would allow those peaceable citizens that hold a carry permit from their home state, to no longer become an instant criminal for doing nothing more than by crossing an imaginary line at the state border. Just like a driver’s license, they would be expected to be held to our state’s laws. The most important point for me is #12 to establish a Castle Doctrine. Having to retreat in the face of a violent criminal is never something any citizen should have to do, and the violent criminals running rampant in our state should become acutely aware that their lives may be forfeit in the commission of a crime.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
My Theory, and I'm Sticking With It
They keep calling the cause of the Chi-Com Xi Flu pandemic a Wuhan lab "leak." Like "How did that happen? Oops, our bad."
I contend it was a purposeful "RELEASE" and an act of war against the free world. The fucking Chi-Coms lie and are a danger to the entire planet, and I would be happy to see them all eliminated.
Which Is It?
Beetlejuice has lost its bid for re-election as Mayor of Shit-cago. So I pose the following question: is it because the voters are just racist homophobes, or are they actually sick of a criminal coddling LIBTURD and its shitty policies?
I would love to have that question answered by another unqualified LIBTURD who is only in place for being the first black lesbian in a position as her main qualifications.
Karine Jean-Pierre.... a response? Use the comment section below or email contact form on the sidebar.