Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Showing posts with label Wuhan Flu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wuhan Flu. Show all posts

Friday, January 21, 2022

Something I have Been Advocating

You tyrants want to impose some kind of martial law with jab mandates? I have said all along; take away my ability to provide for me and my family... I become a murderous marauder TAKING what I need and leaving a trail of bodies in my wake. Is that REALLY what you want? No? Then

Leave Me The FUCK ALONE!!


H/T to Mike at 90 Miles From Tyranny (again!) He always has some great stuff.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Oh, I Am Already There


Shooting fuckers in the face at your door, decorating lampposts, or lined up against a pock-marked and blood spattered wall. Any way you do it, trenches full of bodies covered in lime and forgotten. As we restore The Republic, we'll remind them we just wanted to be left alone.


H/T Ninety Miles From Tyranny where I shamelessly lifted the meme.

Friday, January 14, 2022

It Hasn't Happened Yet

But just in case someone gets up the nerve to confront me in public for not wearing the virtue signalling compliant #MaskOfOppression, I have a new response:

"Two weeks to flatten the curve was almost two years ago. Quit living in the past, fool."

Also, I have met several more Jab Free Pure Bloods as well as folks that got an initial jab(s) and will not get any more. In my immediate vicinity, it would appear people are waking the fuck up.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Sitting In The E.R. Waiting Room - ARMED!

I am sitting in a hospital E.R. waiting room while my wife seeks treatment for multiple dog bites on both hands. This occurred at work where she is a dog trainer. She was brought here by one of her co-workers, and I didn't know where she was until after I got off shift and home. I took care of the one dog at the house and headed for the hospital. Of course because of COOOOVIIIIDDDD! I can't be with her, so here I wait, wearing my N95 face diaper under my nose and breathing freely. A few other people are wearing theirs the same way. What a fuckin' joke.

I am glad I strapped on the 45 Shield and two spare mags. The hospital, like most is in a shitty urban area. The doors just open when someone goes in or out and there is no security in the waiting room. If some nut were to burst in here with a weapon, he would normally be able to maim or kill everyone in this room unimpeded. But not tonight. I am sitting in the back of the room, back to the wall and facing the door. Unlike the hospitals I usually transport to, this one does not have any signs designating it a GFDZ*. Not that those signs ever matter to me, but normally I only really need to carry to go to and from the parking lots. Here, even inside, I would be a sitting duck.

So Wifey just texted me. She is headed to X-Ray and then getting sutured up. I will text her to make sure she gets a DPT shot since I am pretty sure she is out of date. She says it hurts like hell and that she is pretty hungry since she hasn't had supper.

*GFDZ: Gun Free Death Zone

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Some Goings On Today

I spent today in class for my EMT renewal at the end of March. We have to take 20 hours of instructor lead CEU's, 10 hours of state certified on line instruction, and 10 hours of local training. The final 8 hours will be next weekend. Because I did not want my concealed firearm to be exposed to anyone that might freakout while doing practical evolutions I left it locked in the truck. I planned on going to the nearby BJ's afterward, so I had my spare mag carrier as well. Temps today never got out of the twenties and I was in class about 8 hours.

Face diapers were mandatory in the facility, and I "kinda" wore one because I have to take this class to maintain my EMT license. I spent the entire afternoon post lunchtime with it under my nose so I could breathe freely. No one said a thing about it. I do wear one intermittently during the day when doing ambulance transports which is easy to tolerate, because the duration is short. But wearing one all day fucking blows. I don't know how people just do it without killing someone.

When I went to leave, I went out to an ice cold truck and strapped on an ice cold gun and spare mags. I was actually shivering until the truck warmed up for the short drive to BJ's. 

Ah yes, BJ's... the Walmart of the warehouse clubs. Full of all kinds of face diaper wearing weirdos. This BJ's happens to be near a "community" of little smelly brown people from southwest Asia. Since they are used to being told what to do by a dictator calling themselves "President" all were compliant. There were several no mask free citizens like me walking around. You know what I noticed? We were all white men. No women or "people of color" just some white supremacists.

On the way home I made a couple of stops, the first one being my sportsman's club to make sure everything had been shoveled out. It was the first opportunity to get over there since yesterday's storm. Sure enough, no one shoveled the back kitchen/basement door or the deck. I spent about a half hour taking care of it and as luck would have it, the House committee chairman was there to see me get it done. Nothing like a probie scoring brownie points with club higher ups.

After that I stopped at the firehouse to repack my bunker gear that got wet yesterday, but not from a fire. An inconsiderate jackass parked his POV inside the rear bays with a foot of fuckin' snow on it. When it melted it flooded the entire floor and got my gear I had laid out and ready to jump into on the other side all wet. I spread it out to dry last night before I left and went back to stow it up on the rack.

When I got home, Wifey had dinner ready, a steaming hot pot of home made French Onion Soup and fresh loaf of French bread. Nice and warm on a cold winters night. She also has a roast going in the crockpot for tomorrow. She is the best!

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Stay Committed... No To Jabs And Boosters


From "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" 1978 remake. So very appropriate.. replaced humans.

Yup. Dead.

I'll stay in this group, thanks. I would answer "YES" to all but the last two. The top three are the top three for the obvious reasons.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Oh The Irony

Over Christmas, I was excluded from two gatherings (one was family and one was friends) because of my jab-free status. I figured so be it, their loss, I will happily remain a pure blood.

Now I don't love these people any less for being excluded, but I am going to engage in a bit of schadenfreude here. I just found out that our friends, that had family in from out of state and were all fully jabbed are right now self-quarantining. They were all exposed to a family member from another household that has tested positive for the Chi-Com Xi Flu. It was very hard to not just burst out in loud obnoxious laughter at this development, but my wife would have been really pissed at me. This will have to suffice.


Our friends have a brand new grandchild, and a big deal was being made about coming to see the baby... until they realized I was jab free. My exclusion was supposed to be to keep the baby safe, but as we all know babies and young children are basically unaffected by Chi-Com Xi Flu but I wasn't going to argue the point. I was more than happy to stay home and stream a movie.

Up until 2019, we threw a big New Year's Eve shindig at our place, anywhere from 12 to 25 people and I made lots of great food, usually a surf-n-turf. Last year only the couple this post was about came, and this year it will be no one. We are back to the pre-1996 era where we didn't bother celebrating New Years. That changed when we had our first full year exchange student from Romania, where New Years was a bigger deal than Christmas. Because of her, we had celebrated every year since. Oh well... maybe more people will be done with this BKT* by January 1st 2023, and we can go back to having our party.

BKT* Bullshit Kabuki Theater

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Just About Over It

The first illness of any kind since having the Chi-Com Xi Flu in early March of 2020. A simple common cold, I felt it coming this past Monday morning. Sniffling and sneezing by that afternoon, hacking and coughing by bedtime. No hint of fever checked every few hours with my Exogen temporal scanner. Negative indications from my on-body virus scanner (a wart on my knee that temporarily disappears every time I have a virus). According to the medical and political tyrants, I should be a good little obedient peasant and run out for a Chi-Com Xi Flu test. FUCK OFF! Whether it is just a cold or the Moronic variant matters not, and I will not be a statistic in their panic porn theater. I have been taking Tylenol Sinus + Headache to relieve congestion and keep my head clear. Mucus discharge is clear, so no real infection. The cough only occurs when I lie down. I wear an N95 mask in the boo-boo bus and I am definitely on the downside of it.

Yesterday we transported a double jabbed patient sick with fever that tested COVID+ at the ER. Trust me, if this particular patient that is well known to us, with their medical history (at least 7 serious chronic comorbidities) does not die, the current variant is a giant nothing burger as I have suspected all along.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

My Solution Is Purposely Hideous

"The people in our Governments, who pushed this wickedness, with the weight of law, must die – and they must die so slowly and in such indescribable agony that, in one-thousand years time, humanity will speak in hushed tones and usher the young outside when detailing it."

- Wes Rhinier

I say we research every form of horrible, cruel and painful death, all the way back to biblical times. Use each one in turn, bringing these scum to the brink of death and then nursing them back to health without pain relief, only to impart the next method the same way. When their body won't take much more, use one of the methods that always ends in death, like say... impaling. To make the process last longer, alternate the evil-doers with their parents, wives, and children. And have those not being sliced open or burned, watch the others so everyone of them will be shining examples of how not to act against their fellow man for thousands of years in the future.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Big Lie - "Pandemic of The Unvaccinated"

My wife just got a text from a friend of hers that has a dog grooming shop. She has had to temporary close down the shop the week before Christmas (one of her busiest times) because every employee has come down with Chi-Com Xi Flu, somewhere  between 6 and 12 people. It will remain closed. Every single person had the jab.


"Pandemic of the unvaccinated?" Shut the fuck up you FUCKING LIARS!! Enough with the BKT*. Stop complying with jab, face diaper, and distancing diktats. Live your life as if gubmint doesn't exist.

BKT* - Bullshit Kabuki Theater

Sunday, December 19, 2021


That's what I call out to those absolute pigs that either just finished handling their junk at the urinal, or wiped their ass and simply walk out of the restroom. It happened again today at the BJ'S. As I went in there was a older black guy already at the urinal. He was either Haitian, African, or some kind of black muzzrat and when he was done he headed right for the door. I called after him as usual "Ya Fuckin' Slob!" and he just kept on walkin'. Yup, straight for the grocery section because that's where I found him when I came out, and where he was about to paw over food stuff with his pissed on junk handling dick grabbers. GROSS!

When I walked into the store, there was the sign I and several others ignored about having to wear a mask of oppression in the store at all times. I felt like going up to the courtesy counter and telling them instead of worrying about phony-baloney mask compliance, they oughta post a hand washing monitor in the restrooms. Working in EMS, I am a prolific hand washer, so my human waste or germs won't end up all over the packaging of mine or someone elses food. And since I have natural immunity, I won't be spreading ChiCom Xi Flu walking around breathing freely as a "VACCINE FREE" non-lab rat.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Warren Wilhelm CAN SUCK IT!

Comrade Warren Wilhelm (aka NYC Mayor Bill DiBlasio) has released his latest tyrannical diktat that all private companies in that shithole must have all their employees get jabbed. 


A question: if I live in Kommiecticut but work for a large company headquartered in NYC, and my operations office is in Hartford, would I be mandated to get jabbed? Sounds like an overreach of authority to me.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Got My Test Results

For the Chi-Com Xi Flu antibody test. They came in today's snail mail from my doctors office. Finally after almost a week of waiting and seeing nothing on Quest Diagnostics' website. I had created an on-line account and kept watching for my results, but the status still says "In Process." 

Anyway, the results came back incredibly, negative. But... the paperwork does say "A negative result does not rule out the possibility of a infection with SARS-CoV-2. Samples from the early (pre-seroconversion) phase of illness can yield negative findings." There is also something called "seroreversion" which happens when a long period of time has passed since contracting the virus. I believe I had the ChiCom Xi Flu in early March 2020 after catching it from my wife. I also believe she caught it from clients at her work, many of which are world travelers that were still coming and going because travel had not yet been restricted. 

So although I officially tested negative, there are many indicators that in hindsight, lead me to believe I did actually have the ChiCom Xi Flu in March 2020. For those reasons, and the fact I have been exposed to many COVID+ and suspected patients without even getting a case of the sniffles, I will continue to remain a Pure Blood and shun any and all jabs. So far, flying under everybody's radar I have yet to be hassled about it.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Two For Two

I finally got up the nerve to ask my wife last night if she was planning on getting a booster jab. Her answer was a resounding "NO!" As I suspected, she only got the J&J because it was claimed to be "one and done."

When I asked my shift partner, who got his jabs in the first rounds of availability, the same question, his answer was the same as my wife's. He said he is pretty much over the whole thing.

At this point 100% of the people I've asked are done with this jab nonsense.

I am still waiting for the results of my antibody test. It has been twice as long as Quest's website says it should be. I am starting to get suspicious.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

I Am Changing My Stance

NOTICE: Unless a very expensive (and rarely actually done) genetic marker test is performed on a COVID positive test sample, the actual variant of Chi-Com Xi Flu is NOT KNOWN... THEY ARE GUESSING AND SPEWING BULLSHIT PANIC PORN! I will now call it Chi-Com Xi Flu to intentionally insult the CCP officials, unlike the CCP bought and paid for W.H.O.

And now the content of this post.

Until now, if you wanted the jab, I didn't care whether you got one or not. All I cared about were two things:

1). I wasn't getting any... EVER.

2). No one had better try to force me to. That will end in violence, carnage, and death.

With this supposed new variant, the calls for "safety measures," jabs and boosters, and at worst reinstating tyrannical lockdowns, I am now going to go full ANTI-VAXX and tell you right to your face "YOU ARE STUPID TO EVEN CONSIDER IT!" If I am asked for my opinion or my advice about the jab, I will vehemently argue in opposition to this dangerous, experimental, unlicensed and unapproved poison they are sticking in obedient sheeple. I have shunned this years flu shot and the recommended shingles vaccine due to distrust of anything in a needle. I am currently awaiting the results of my Chi-Com Xi Flu antibody test which I am willing to bet comes back positive, meaning I have the pooh-poohed NATURAL IMMUNITY. I will put up a separate post with the results as soon as I get them. BTW, I am scheduled next month for the initial consultation to get a routine screening procedure. If a jab is required to get the procedure, I will say "thanks but no thanks."

Do not get a jab if you are still a Pure-Blood. It is an irreversible mistake. If you have gotten a single jab, do not get any more. If you were previously "fully vaxxed" and contemplating a "booster," Minimize the damage already done to your body... DO NOT SUBMIT!

I don't know what else I can say to convince people, other than list my opposition bullet points:

  • mRNA "vaccines have been in traditional development since 2011, but never made it past animal testing, because 100% of the animal subjects DIED when subsequently exposed to the virus. If you took the jab, you are the animal testing right now.
  • The J&J one and done jab is nicknamed "The Clot Shot" because of blood clotting issues.
  • No long term testing on humans and unknown devastating effects on humans for any of the jabs
  • No control groups except for us Pure-Bloods, but we are not being utilized
  • Natural Immunity is not just totally disregarded, but treated as though it is non-existent 
  • The possibility of ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement). The jabs are geared towards the spike proteins, not the virus itself. That's how you get the breakout cases and the possibility of strange and possibly deadly mutations.
  • The CDC's own VAERS
  • Total loss of trust in the medical community, because healers have become politicized and shills for big pharma.
  • The supposed FDA approval for the Pfizer jab is for a product that does not yet exist. If you go right now to get the Pfizer jab, you are getting the same old experimental goo they have been dispensing for the last year, for which they have ZERO liability.

Still want a jab? I guess I can't stop you from committing slow motion suicide if that's what you really want.


That's it, right there... the extent of fucks I have to give in reference to the ongoing panic porn propaganda. And I snort with total derision at Jolly Ned and the rest of the state's healthcare Nazis stating the only way to survive it is to be jabbed and boostered.

So they get the same response from me I usually reserve for 2nd Amendment issues:

NO. Your move.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

And Just Like That, Cold Weather Riding Is Paused

This morning was my 07:00 appointment at Quest Diagnostics for the Chi-Com Flu antibody test my doctor reluctantly ordered for me at my request. THIS is what we woke up to this morning.

An inch of fresh snow everywhere

The view down my driveway from a toasty warm cab. You wanna take a bike down that? NOPE!

The lab is about 20 minutes away and I got right in and right out. The sign on the door said face diapers were required. I went in wearing an N95 that virtue signals to people that I don't care about them, I care about ME! I did not see a GFDZ (Gun-Free Death Zone) sign. The test starts with a Chi-Com Flu nasal swab test (my very first one). I complete that and she says, "All set, thank you." I remind her this is an antibody test, I thought there was a blood draw? Oops... nothing like not reading the lab request form. She takes my blood and I am out. Oh yeah, the M&P 45 Shield remained on my right hip concealed the entire time. Since a large grocery store was near the lab, I took back my returnable glass bottles since I knew no one would be hogging up the machines. Now I just need to get rid of the plastic bottles and aluminum cans. Stupid fucking bottle bill!*

Headed home up my road. Recent tires on the truck made for fine traction on untreated roads.


I was talking to the town DPW maintenance guy last week. He said not one of their trucks were ready to go for plowing or sanding. The monkeys that work there absolutely beat the shit out of the equipment faster than he can repair it, and parts are getting tough to get when they really break something. I hear grumblings from people around town that if they had the authority, they would fire every one of them motherfuckers and make them reapply for their jobs. The only one that would probably get rehired is the equipment maintenance guy.


*The Kommiecticut bottle bill has been around forever. State government will say it is to promote recycling... I CALL BULLSHIT! They make returning cans and bottles for your deposit purposely a pain in the ass, in the hopes YOU WILL NOT RECYCLE and the deposit money goes into state coffers. Just like not playing the lottery (a suckers tax), I refuse to give them one more penny than they can otherwise confiscate. The bottle bill is taxation on the lazy.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

I Always Suspected As Much

From Vox Popoli:


I never really believed the tyrants or elites were actually getting injected with anything other than saline. Now it may actually be true. Let's see how many others come forward to confirm.

Just like with articles in The Babylon Bee, conspiracy theories seem to come true nowadays.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Cue Exploding Heads In 3... 2... 1

The state/local commie vaxx tyrants are going at it hard, now that dot gov has backed off. Changing the definition of "fully vaxxed" so that only having the original jab(s) are no longer enough, and the constant stream of PSA's to get jabbed. So here's how I want to make LIBTARD heads explode. First if the jab is so wonderful, why the fear of the unjabbed? Because the jab is useless for its stated purpose, that's why. My analogy is this:

Its pouring a wind-driven rain outside. You (the jabbed) are carrying an umbrella. Because I (an unjabbed pure blood) only need to run a short distance to my car and then into my house, I am only wearing a light jacket. You complain that I somehow made your umbrella less effective, and am the cause of you getting wet anyway.

Using logic and common sense, isn't that just fucking stupidity? 


Friday, November 19, 2021

More Great News!

NBC News just reported that The Xiden administration has suspended the jab mandate for private companies of 100 or more employees. OSHA had already held off enforcement due to The 5th Circuit Court ruling of over-reach. Now the mental defective (p)Resident* has backed off as well. 

Combined with today's verdict confirming a right to self defense, is a little glimmer of the light of freedom to not have to submit to an experimental medical procedure.

I wonder what will happen to those stupid companies that jumped the gun and reacted to nothing more than a statement to the press. LAWSUITS... BRING 'EM ON!!